opportunities for health and wellbeing listed

(Click on the green ‘+” button to view a summary of each post)
Brain.FM Entrainment MusicBrain.fm contains patterns that shift your brain state with entrainment. Their music sounds different—and affects you differently from any other music. Sign up now! Brain.fm’s focus music is made to help you work better, by blending into the background so you can focus distraction-free… all while stimulating the brain with …2025/02/07Entrainment audio, Audio, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development2025-02-07 15:52:27
Build Your Own Subliminal Messaging AudioLearn  in this step-by-step guide, how to create subliminal audio messages with background music, along with some resources and tools you can use. Subliminal messages are typically audio or visual stimuli that are presented below the threshold of conscious perception, often used for self-improvement, motivation, or behavior modification. Step 1: …2025/02/03Subliminal audio, Audio Software, Educational, Health and Wellness, Latest News, Personal Development, Subliminal Software2025-02-03 22:08:07
An Outline of the Range of Meditation Techniques Available to You14 Meditation Techniques to  choose from  to  begin  your journey  towards peace,  calmness, acceptance and serenity. Meditation is a diverse and ancient practice that encompasses a wide range of techniques, each with its own focus, purpose, and methodology. These techniques have evolved over thousands of years across various cultures, religions, …2025/02/02Meditation, Latest News, Personal Development, Spiritual, Wellness2025-02-02 16:12:38
Demystify the Connection Between Your Intuition & Channeling  Demystify the Connection Between Your Intuition & Channeling with  Helane Wahbeh ND, and generate more ease and flow in your life. You might know someone who “channels.” Perhaps you feel divinely guided by your own intuition. Sometimes, you just know something, and even though you’re not sure about the source of …2025/01/30Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2025-01-30 11:47:13
Optimising Women’s Thyroid HealthGet  Dr. Felice Gersh’s Thyroid SOS: Optimizing Thyroid Health in Women. A guide to the hidden  signs, hormonal insights and healing strategies for women’s Thyroid Disease The exhaustion that won’t fade. The unexplained weight gain. The brain fog that makes even simple tasks overwhelming.  What if there was a way …2025/01/22Health and Wellness, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2025-01-22 11:25:27
Become an Animal WhispererLearn how to Develop Telepathic Connections to Understand, Heal & Live in Deeper Harmony With Animals & Nature, along with Penelope Smith Everyone has the ability to communicate with animals and all forms of life, according to Penelope Smith, pioneering founder of the field she named — interspecies telepathic communication. It’s …2025/01/08Environmental Conservation, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Wildlife2025-01-08 10:56:13
Fasting Transformation GuideDownload your  free Fasting Transformation Quickstart Guide by David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS., and learn about the incredible benefits like delayed aging, weight support, and even improved brain health. How much do you really know about fasting? Did you know it’s been practiced for centuries as a tool for healing …2024/12/30Health and Wellness, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2024-12-30 14:33:11
Manifest a Life Of Miracles EBookGrab Marci Shimoff, Dr. Sue Morter and Lisa Nichols’  free new Ebook “Manifest A Life of Miracles: 4 Steps to Living in the Miracle Zone” Now! Grab your free copy & start manifesting miracles in all areas of your life  In their new ebook they share their proven steps for …2024/12/29Wealth Creation, Educational, Free, Latest News2024-12-29 14:39:56
Red Light Therapy Webinar and Acne RosaceaJoin Jonathan Otto’s webinar on Red Light Therapy and learn  about how skin conditions like Acne Roseacea can be  greatly improved and cured. It’s disheartening to know that more than 400 million people worldwide suffer from a chronic skin condition called Papulopustular Rosacea or Acne Rosacea This chronic inflammatory skin …2024/12/27Health and Wellness, Educational, Latest News, Light & Sound Machines, Other Products, Personal Development, Wellness2024-12-27 14:26:15
Unlocking Longevity  In ‘Unlocking Longevity: The Power of the Fasting Mimicking Diet’ by Joseph Antoun, you’ll discover the path to a healthier, longer life Imagine waking up each morning full of energy—no brain fog, no aching joints, no relentless exhaustion weighing you down. Imagine a life where your body feels lighter, your …2024/12/18Health and Wellness, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2024-12-18 10:38:10
Mindzoom 3.2: Improved Subliminal Software  MindZoom has just  released its new and greatly improved subliminal software version Mindzoom 3.2. You  can  get it here Mindzoom’s new version  features a new cool feature called “Whisper Affirmations” that complements their original SSM technology (Silent Subliminal Messaging) and it’s 3x faster than the previous version! Subliminal messages …2024/12/16Subliminal Software, Latest News, Personal Development, Wealth Creation, Wellness2024-12-16 10:16:26
Disease in Reverse SummitLearn about the latest cutting -edge  detox and healing methods with Jonathan Otto in his ‘Disease in Reverse’ Summit. Dr. Bryan Ardis, one of America’s finest medical research experts and disease reversal specialists… Reveals that there’s a natural, plant-based detoxifier that’s SO powerful… Scientists used it after the deadly nuclear …2024/12/13Health and Wellness, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2024-12-13 10:49:54
Releasing Anxiety-A free CTM recordingReleasing Anxiety through Positive Framing- a free CTM recording for download. This recording come in 4 formats: the written words, the spoken  words, the spoken words with  a nature background sounds, and a subliminal version. Positive framing involves the act of presenting our thoughts and experiences in a more optimistic …2024/12/09Subliminal audio, Audio, Free, Health and Wellness, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2024-12-09 09:45:17
Is Anxiety Controlling Your Life?The Depression and Anxiety Solutions Summit is here to help you take back control with expert advice and practical tools. Join them to understand your anxiety and  discover strategies to  find peace and calmness. At  the Summit you’ll: ✔️ Understand the root causes of anxiety. ✔️ Learn natural methods to ease the …2024/12/05Health and Wellness, Educational, Latest News, Meditation, Personal Development, Wellness2024-12-05 07:55:20
Unlock the Power of MeditationUnlock the Power of Meditation: The 5 Meditation Mistakes Most Meditators are Making—and How You Can Move Beyond Them to Access Authentic Spiritual Awakening  If you’re on a spiritual path, chances are you’ve tried meditation. You may even be an experienced meditator with decades of meditation practice behind you. But …2024/12/02Meditation, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Spiritual2024-12-02 08:50:57
Red Light Therapy: Black Friday Deals!Special Black Friday Offer from  Health Secrets! Get their Red Light Therapy Belt at 30%  off and other RLT discounts. Jonathan Otto  from  Health  Secrets just wanted to remind you that they’re running a VIP Pre-Sale for Black Friday right now… And he’s SO excited to be offering you these …2024/11/27Light & Sound Machines, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2024-11-27 09:34:57
Cosmic HerbalismJoin  Adriana Avales for her  7 week online course  entitled Cosmic Herbalism: Align Medicinal Plants With the Sacred Energy of Their Governing Planets to Create Powerful Healing Remedies In Adriana’s online course you’ll learn how the moon houses our intuition and emotions. It corresponds anatomically to the limbic brain, the …2024/11/22Health and Wellness, Educational, Gardening, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2024-11-22 11:20:55
Guide to Resilient KidsDownload your Free ‘Guide to Resilient Kids’ from  holistic pediatrician Dr. Joel “Gator” Warsh! Is your child frequently catching colds, feeling run-down, or missing out on the joys of childhood due to constant illnesses? You’re not alone, and there is something you can do to help them thrive! Imagine your little one …2024/11/13Wellness, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development2024-11-13 15:38:13
Tree Medicine with David Crow  David Crow’s 7-week program, Tree Medicine: Create a Home Pharmacy of Potent Healing Oils, Flowers & Barks for Body, Mind & Spirit Wellness,  explores powerful tree medicines that can help ease your mind and emotions, uplift your spirit, and reduce stress and anxiety.   You’ve likely used some form of …2024/11/12Health and Wellness, Educational, Free, Gardening, Latest News, Personal Development, Spiritual, Wildlife2024-11-12 11:20:20
LokaYoga Kids Online Mindfulness CourseStrengthen Attention with LokaYoga’s Online Mindfulness Course: The Ultimate Resource for School Teachers and Parents! ✔ Online self-paced training ✔ Empower children with the invaluable skill of paying attention through the practice of mindfulness ✔ Increase task engagement, improve academic performance, enhance relationships & develop emotional management skills ✔ Amazing and FUN activities to …2024/11/11Meditation, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Spiritual2024-11-11 18:48:04
Let Go Of Your Subconscious Blocks with the MAP MethodFind & Let Go Of Your Subconscious Blocks Within Minutes Using The MAP Method™. Learn how to free yourself with MAP during this training. Attention Coaches, Healers, Therapists & Seekers Of Personal Growth! The MAP Method™ Is The BIGGEST Breakthrough Since Hypnosis, Tapping & NLP! Developed by Colette Streicher LMSW, The MAP Method offers a reliable way to …2024/11/08Self Improvement, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development2024-11-08 10:51:41
Guide to Improve Prostate ProblemsDownload Dr. Geo Espinosa’s “Guide to Improve Prostate Problems Naturally” that reveals  scientifically proven, natural methods to improve and even prevent prostate issues. Let’s talk about something most guys don’t bring up at the dinner table… prostate problems. Yeah, I said it—but don’t click away just yet because this could be …2024/11/05Wellness, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development2024-11-05 15:43:05
Cellular Resonance Quantum HealingJoin master transformational healer Dr. Doug Lehrer to learn  his unique healing approach of “Cellular Resonance Quantum Healing” to unlock the body’s innate healing capabilities, even in cases previously deemed irreversible. What if you could activate your body’s innate healing capabilities by accessing deeper levels of forgiveness and breaking free from old …2024/10/27Health and Wellness, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2024-10-27 11:57:07
Cosmic Synergy QigongQigong Grandmaster Mantak Chia  can help  you unlock the full potential of your body, mind, and spirit with Cosmic Synergy Qigong For millennia, Taoist masters have mapped out the body’s innate pathways for health and consciousness — and revealed how our emotions, physiology, cosmological roots, and the elements are intertwined.  …2024/10/25Health and Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Spiritual, Wellness2024-10-25 13:34:23
Ho’oponopono CertificationGet  Your Ho’oponopono Certification with  Dr Joe Vitale and Dr Hew Len’s new revised online program! What is Ho’oponopono? Ho’oponopono is a traditional Hawaiian practice focused on reconciliation and forgiveness. The term itself translates to ‘to make right’ or ‘to correct’. This ancient healing technique emphasizes the importance of addressing …2024/10/17Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2024-10-17 08:44:29
Woman-Centered Coaching MasterclassRegister now for Claire Zammit’s brand-new  6-week program, ‘Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass’. Elevate your rates, income and renewals, and become a go-to expert in your field! If you’re a coach, practitioner, helping or healing professional, consultant, or someone who works directly with women…Here’s an incredible opportunity that you cannot afford to …2024/10/11Educational, Latest News, Personal Development2024-10-11 10:41:57
The Imaginal Realms of the TarotEnter the Imaginal Realms With the Tarot:  Connect With Your Inner Sanctuary for Ancestral Wisdom & Guidance with  Rabbi Dr Tirzah Firestone What if you could access a hidden, sacred realm inside yourself — a place where you can find clear wisdom and precise guidance that can quiet inner confusion and …2024/10/09Spiritual, Educational, Free, Personal Development, Wellness2024-10-09 11:57:26
Reforesting Your Backyard: Why & How  Why and How to Reforest Your Own Backyard- no matter how small  it is! Trees play a crucial role in the survival of life on  our planet. By reforesting your backyard, you can contribute positively to our planet’s health. Trees are instrumental in carbon sequestration,  absorbing carbon dioxide from …2024/10/07Environmental Conservation, Educational, Free, Latest News, Wellness, Wildlife2024-10-07 21:39:09
Using PEMF Devices for PainLearn How to Use PEMF devices to manage your pain  and neurological  conditions in this free Ebook The impact of a neurological disorder is not limited to its debilitating symptoms. It can strain your finances with costly conventional treatments that often fall short of addressing the root cause. However, there’s …2024/10/01Wellness, Free, Latest News, Light & Sound Machines2024-10-01 16:54:58
Regenerate Your Brain!Jason Prall and Laura Frontiero are sharing this new guide to  help  ‘Regenerate Your Brain’  in support of their upcoming Ageless Energy Summit starting October 3rd.  Remember when you could recall phone numbers without thinking about it?  Or when you always remembered where you put your keys? If those days …2024/09/27Wellness, Educational, Free, Health and Wellness, Latest News, Nutrition, Personal Development, Self Improvement2024-09-27 10:10:05
The ‘Ageless Energy’ SummitJoin Jason Prall and Laura Frontiero  for their ‘Ageless Energy’ Summit and a deep dive into the latest scientific discoveries and proven protocols that are transforming lives. We live in an age of medical marvels.  Robots perform surgery. AI diagnoses diseases. We can literally edit our genes. So why are …2024/09/23Wellness, Free, Latest News2024-09-23 11:12:58
Women Centered CoachingDevelop your women centered coaching skills and style to better meet  the needs of your female clients, with Dr Claire Zammit at her ‘The Future is Female” free webinar. Right now in 2024, we know a few things to be true: The U.S. coaching industry is booming, and expected to …2024/09/18Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development2024-09-18 07:58:03
Generate your own AI Ambient Music with MubertCreate Royalty-Free  AI Ambient Music for modern creators & apps with Mubert Mubert is a company on a global mission to empower creators. With a unique collaborative platform that pairs musicians with AI, we are redefining the way music is created, experienced and licensed From streamers to filmmakers to app …2024/09/16Audio, Educational, Latest News2024-09-16 10:10:21
Therapists: Join Online-Therapy!Right now Online-Therapy.com  are looking for new  licensed therapists across the United States to join their online therapy network! Work from home, during hours that suits you. Why should you join the Online-Therapy.com team? Flexibility There’s no hassle with going to an office. Instead you can work with all of …2024/09/11Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2024-09-11 10:23:36
Building and Using a Sugar-Water Bird FeederBuilding and maintaining a sugar-water bird feeder  in your garden is one small  way  you can help sustain our  shrinking bird populations while witnessing the joys of our natural  world As our natural  world and its bird  populations shrinks with  the ongoing onslaught of human  development, there are some things …2024/09/08Wildlife, Educational, Free, Gardening, Latest News2024-09-08 14:01:24
Becoming One With Infinite ConsciousnessDr Dawson Church, in his ‘Becoming One With Infinite Consciousness (Or the 5 Characteristics of Enlightenment Experiences)’,  unveils the 5 key characteristics reported by individuals who’ve achieved enlightenment. Have you ever wondered what enlightenment feels like? Is it a mystical experience reserved for a chosen few, or a state attainable …2024/09/02Spiritual, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development2024-09-02 10:20:20
Online Meditation Teacher Training  Become a Globally Accredited  Meditation Teacher, Online: Now only $199 (U.S.) from the Loka Yoga School The gift that keeps on giving; the gift of yoga, breathwork and meditation! (all online training packages are at the cheapest price Loka Yoga has  ever offered) Buy a Bundle & Save!   …2024/08/29Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Spiritual, Wealth Creation, Wellness2024-08-29 21:37:03
7 Simple Ways to Increase Health, Happiness & AbundanceIn  “7 Simple Ways to Increase Health, Happiness, & Abundance” Jason Prall shares practical, actionable steps to ignite your body’s natural healing wisdom and create a life of balance, ease, and joy. Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to wake up each day feeling energized, joyful, and …2024/08/22Wealth Creation, Educational, Free, Health and Wellness, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2024-08-22 17:19:49
The Manifestation MindfestUse the “forgotten” energetic components of the universe to manifest in any area of your life at  the ‘Manifestation Mindfest’! Everything that exists—every rock, plant, animal, and person—has an energetic blueprint. You do, too. You can only create or bring into your life what matches YOUR energetic blueprint. Just as …2024/08/16Wealth Creation, Educational, Free, Latest News2024-08-16 10:57:13
Brain Regeneration GuideDr David Jockers’groundbreaking Brain Regeneration Guide reveals the secrets to rewiring your brain for peak performance, protecting it from degeneration, and boosting your mood and well-being. Are you feeling like your mind isn’t as sharp as it used to be? Tired of feeling foggy, forgetful, and just plain “off”? Your brain is …2024/07/24Health and Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2024-07-24 08:28:01
Preparing for a Thriving PregnancyGet  Your FR-EE copy of Before the Cradle: A Holistic Guide to Preparing for a Thriving Pregnancy by Dr. Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD. Are you ready to embark on the most incredible journey of your life? Parenthood starts long before conception, in the thoughtful preparation of both body and mind. Imagine stepping into …2024/07/09Health and Wellness, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2024-07-09 11:34:23
The Best of Essential Oils RevolutionLearn how to use essential oils effectively & confidently in the ‘Best of the Essential Oils Revolution’ webinar! Looking to enhance your health and home with natural remedies? Millions of people are regaining control of their health with essential oils. Join Healthmeans in this webinar and see if essential oils …2024/06/17Health and Wellness, Educational, Latest News, Wellness2024-06-17 11:53:36
10-Day Hormone Detox eGuideReset and reclaim  your balance with Dr. Margaret Christensen’s 10-Day Hormone Detox and  alleviate symptoms of hormonal imbalance, such as low libido, heavy bleeding, headaches, insomnia, mood swings and/or hot flashes! You can download the eGuide here. Are you grappling with symptoms of hormonal imbalance, such as low libido, heavy …2024/06/07Health and Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Wellness2024-06-07 10:13:09
Spring Forest Healingfest 2024Listen & watch the Spring Forest HealingFest Qigong course for free in an online event by  Qigong Grand Master Chunyi Lin; starting June 10 2024 This is a  free online event to…Erase pain, stress, and sickness from your body Click Here to Sign Up Today for FREE Now, more than …2024/05/30Spiritual, Educational, Free, Health and Wellness, Latest News, Wellness2024-05-30 15:28:46
Peptide Therapy and Chronic IllnessRead more to  access your  FREE guide by Dr. Nafysa Parpia, a leading Naturopathic Doctor: How to Use Peptide Therapy for Complex Chronic Illness. Navigating life with chronic illness can feel like an endless search for relief and answers. If you’ve explored countless treatments without finding the results and relief …2024/05/20Health and Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement, Wellness2024-05-20 10:07:07
Become an Agent of BlessingBecome an Agent of Blessing and Learn How to Transmute Darkness Into Light With Jewish & Buddhist Wisdom Practices What can ancient wisdom traditions teach us today about how to live a sacred life and embody the radiant being you inherently are? More often than not, it’s the mental, emotional, …2024/05/15Spiritual, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2024-05-15 16:55:22
The Gut-Whole Body Connection  Download your complimentary first chapter of  Dr Mark Spengler’s ‘The Holistic Guide to Gut Health‘. And learn how  your gut and microbiome health profoundly influences all of the organs and cells of your body. As Dr. Mark Stengler puts it in The Holistic Guide to Gut Health: “The health …2024/05/06Health and Wellness, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2024-05-06 09:12:15
Healing Nervous System and Trauma-Driven IllnessRegister now for ‘Resolved: Healing Nervous System and Trauma-Driven Illness’ and Find your path to true healing. Embark on a transformative journey with Sinclair Kennally and Dr. Jaban Moore as they dive into the foundational aspects of healing in deep, insightful conversations with over 40 experts! Trauma, chronic stress, unresolved …2024/04/29Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement2024-04-29 09:39:39
Millionaire Mind EBookGet your copy of John Assaraf ‘s new Ebook, ‘The Millionaire Mindset’! What’s the BIGGEST thing standing between you & greater success?… It’s typically you!! If you want the confidence to finally move forward and get unstuck… So you can build a Million Dollar Income & Dream Life this year… …2024/04/22Wealth Creation, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2024-04-22 09:23:29
Your RedLight Therapy Device Offer Click HERE to claim Jonathan Otto’s RedLife devices at a massive discount!  But be in Quick! In case you missed my earlier emails on this… Jonathan Otto, an acclaimed investigative journalist, and filmmaker very recently hosted his  webinar on the power of Red Light Therapy (RLT) for cancer and other …2024/04/08Health and Wellness, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2024-04-08 08:40:14
Red Light Therapy and SkinUncover the LIFE CHANGING ability of red light therapy. A natural, evidence-based approach to revitalizing your well-being and your skin! Red Light Therapy can reach 42% deeper than blue or green light … During research, the scientists found that the red light therapy that they were giving plants affected the abrasions on their hands, healing them quickly. Red light …2024/03/31Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2024-03-31 13:04:39
My Healthy Home Summit 2024Register now for the My Healthy Home Summit 2024 and learn the risks to an unhealthy home and the tools that can help keep your home safe while protecting your health. Our homes are becoming increasingly toxic and unhealthy. Indoor environments can harbor toxins and health hazards that are often overlooked… …2024/03/25Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development2024-03-25 12:36:25
The One Key Shift: Coaching by and for WomenTHE ONE KEY SHIFT: How to Unlock Deeper Results in Your Work With Women and Why it’s the KEY to Raising Your Rates, Increasing Your Referrals & Attracting the Clients You Are Most Called to Work With If you’re like every dedicated coach or practitioner I know, you’ve probably… ✅ …2024/03/23Self Improvement, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development2024-03-23 11:32:46
The Power of Connecting with NatureThe Power of Connecting with Nature Connecting with nature has numerous benefits for our mental wellbeing. Spending time outdoors and immersing ourselves in nature can have a profound impact on our overall happiness and mental health. Here are some tools and techniques to help you connect with nature and enhance …2024/03/20Wellness, Educational, Free, Gardening, Latest News, Spiritual2024-03-20 19:26:57
Exit & Build Land Summit 4The Exit and Build Land Summit 4 goes LIVE on May 17th-19th at the Bastrop Convention Center with workshops, parties, farm to table meals, dozens of speakers, and more! Build bountiful homesteads, create or join self-sufficient communities, and live radically free in the country surrounded by “your people” (while escaping the …2024/03/18Personal Development, Educational, Latest News, Nutrition, Summit2024-03-18 09:41:36
Breathing for Nervous System RegulationDownload your complimentary eBook, Breathing for Nervous System Regulation, and delve into the fascinating science behind breathing and its direct influence on your nervous system. For centuries, in cultures around the world, it has been understood that simple breath techniques can reduce stress, calm anxiety, improve sleep, and foster a …2024/03/14Meditation, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Spiritual, Wellness2024-03-14 15:47:20
5 Ways to Decrease Your Blood Pressure NaturallyDr. Marbas has compiled this essential guide ‘5 Ways to Decrease Your Blood Pressure Without Medications’ to help you manage hypertension without relying solely on pills. Are you part of the almost 50% of Americans dealing with high blood pressure? Dr Talks is now offering this unique resource that could …2024/03/08Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development2024-03-08 16:19:41
Andean rituals to reveal your place in the CosmosAndean medicine man Puma Fredy Quispe Singona  reveals to you the Andean rituals showing your place in the Cosmos in, Andean Shamanic Rituals to Transform Darkness Into Light Energy: Glimpse Your Place in the Cosmos in an Empowering “Legend of the Hummingbird” Meditation. In times of crisis, you can grow, evolve, and …2024/03/04Spiritual, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2024-03-04 08:28:21
Don’t Buy This Product We’re Advertising!Have you ever seen that kind of email header in your inbox? -hmmm-maybe not! Our ‘modern’ society puts enormous pressure on all of us to consume and buy more; whether it’s the ads you see pop up on your smartphone as you scan the web, your social media accounts, your …2024/02/29Wellness, Free, Gardening, Latest News, Meditation, Self Improvement, Spiritual2024-02-29 21:13:57
Lower Your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Lower your blood pressure and cholesterol in 3 weeks with Transformation 20 Blood Pressure and Cholesterol by Joel Fuhrman, MD. While cholesterol is actually essential for building healthy cells in your body, having high levels can pose serious health risks, including an increased chance of heart disease. It’s pretty much the …2024/02/28Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development2024-02-28 12:14:11
The Fountain of Youth?Download The Fountain of Youth Inside Your Head! and discover the top 7 mindset strategies for harnessing the power of positivity for maximum longevity, as emphasized by the experts Chris Burres interviewed during the Uncovering the Secrets to Longevity: Live Beyond the Norms Summit! Current research is showing that mindset and …2024/02/27Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development2024-02-27 12:29:16
Think, Sleep and Perform Better with BrainTapThink, Sleep and Perform Better with the BrainTap app. Revitalize your overall wellness through better brain fitness. Activate your brain’s peak potential and tap into different neural pathways for a better and more balanced outlook in life, with one, simple touch. BrainTap uses the ‘Frequency-following response’ technique to develop focus, …2024/02/24Neurofeedback, Free, Latest News, Light & Sound Machines, Personal Development2024-02-24 16:53:37
The Trust Technique for You and Your AnimalsThe ‘Trust Technique’ by James French. A wonderful resource for people wanting to connect more with their animals or support their distressed animal, while teaching you how to connect more honestly and compassionately with other animals and people. ‘The Trust Technique® is an educational organisation that highlights the value of …2024/02/14Video, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2024-02-14 17:05:36
Top 11 Longevity SupplementsDownload your complimentary Top 11 Longevity Supplements List here! Make informed choices with this comprehensive list of the top longevity supplements, vetted and endorsed by leaders in the field! Navigating the world of longevity supplements can be overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be! During the Uncovering the Secrets to Longevity: Live …2024/02/13Nutrition, Educational, Free, Latest News, Wellness2024-02-13 17:28:14
Quantum BiologyRegister for Dr Catherine Clinton’s Discover Your Quantum Biology: How Light, Sound & Your Thoughts Can Lead to Vibrant Health Imagine that your health isn’t just a matter of biology but a beautiful dance with the universe. This is the heart of Quantum Biology, a field that extends beyond traditional medicine to …2024/02/12Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development2024-02-12 11:12:47
How to Support Your Gut, Lymph & LiverUnlock Sinclair Kennally’s DIY Gut Flush Guide and discover the secret to expanding your “safe” food choices, healing recurring gut conditions with ease, and support your Gut, Lymph & Liver! We are constantly being exposed to chemicals and environmental stressors that can take a toll on our gut health. Your …2024/02/11Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement2024-02-11 14:45:55
5 Secrets for Better SleepImagine a world where you can easily fall into a deep, refreshing sleep and wake up feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to start your day. Well, Austin Perlmutter’s (MD) 5 Science-Backed Secrets for Better Sleep is available now, & free to download. This fantastic guide is your key to unlocking …2024/02/07Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2024-02-07 13:47:26
How to Shine on Stage and as a PresenterCLICK HERE to JOIN DEBRA and learn The Five Secrets to Shining on Stage, as a Presenter and in Everyday Life. Do you know what’s the single greatest indicator of business and social success? You guessed it. It’s how effectively you communicate. Being a clear, effective and magnetic communicator can make …2024/02/06Personal Development, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement2024-02-06 11:53:54
Top 5 Exercises for LongevityDownload your complimentary quick guide, Movement for Longevity: Top 5 Exercises for Longevity from Leading Experts! In the pursuit of lifelong health and longevity, maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle is paramount. Get ready to redefine aging one movement at a time! Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll discover… + …2024/02/02Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2024-02-02 16:07:06
3 Egyptian Manifestation KeysMystery School Code brings you this  Ebook “3 Egyptian Mystery Manifestation Keys” based on ancient Egyptian mystery school philosophers on how you can manifest abundance using their 3 Keys. Is it hard for you to manifest your desires into reality? I have something for you that is completely different from …2024/01/26Wealth Creation, Educational, Free, Latest News2024-01-26 15:12:28
‘Be Happy Now’ Self-HypnosisBe happy using Hyptalk’s hypnosis – guided meditations! These Happiness Hypnosis Sessions can help you achieve a positive outlook on life by guiding you into positive mental thought patterns and habits. Authentic, Thoughtful Suggestions, help you Change Your Perspective so you can Be Happy. Happy people tend to be more successful. When …2024/01/21Hypnosis audio, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2024-01-21 11:26:55
Fasting & Longevity Summit 2024 Encore Discover the secrets of youthful aging at the encore weekend of the Fasting & Longevity Summit 2024! Getting older doesn’t have to be synonymous with pain, skin aging, appearance concerns, chronic conditions, and inflammation. What if I told you there’s an ancient secret that holds the power to reduce inflammation, slow …2024/01/11Nutrition, Educational, Free, Latest News, Wellness2024-01-11 13:03:54
Ayurvedic Essential Oil SecretsJoin David Crow to learn about The Ayurvedic Use of Essential Oils for Healing: Ancient Remedies to Safely Balance Your Energy System. You’ve probably heard of “Ayurveda,” an ancient healing tradition in India, but what you may not know is that essential oils are some of the most powerful tools in …2024/01/10Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Nutrition, Self Improvement2024-01-10 14:20:28
Reparent Yourself Online Summit 2024Join Generation Mindful for their FREE 3rd Annual Reparent Yourself Online Summit 2024. To reparent yourself means to actively take on the role of being the parent you needed when you were a child. To reparent yourself means to actively take on the role of being the parent you needed when you were a child. It …2024/01/09Self Improvement, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development2024-01-09 10:49:22
7 Essential Laws MasteryIntroducing The 7 Essential Laws Mastery eBundle from Master Coach Christy Whitman. In this powerful collection of resources, you will discover and learn how to apply the seven Universal Laws that are the foundation of manifesting your dreams: 1. The Law of Attraction 2. The Law of Deliberate Creation 3. …2024/01/05Wealth Creation, Educational, Free, Latest News, Wellness2024-01-05 19:20:28
Quantum Leap ECourse with Pam OsliePam Oslie, the host for the TedX program you’re about to   watch, has some amazing personal stories to share with you to show you exactly how you can change your life in seemingly impossible ways, and then sign up for her Quantum Leap  ECourse! Are parallel universes a real thing? …2023/12/26Wealth Creation, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2023-12-26 16:30:06
The Somatic Trauma Healing ImmersionJoin the Embody Lab in February 2024 for the Somatic Trauma Healing Immersion presented by ERGOS Institute of Somatic Education and The Embody Lab. This incredible 5-day event starting February 29th, 2024, features teachers at the forefront of holistic approaches to healing including:  Dr. Gabor Maté Nkem Ndefo  Peter A Levine …2023/12/21Wellness, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2023-12-21 14:10:32
The Pyschology of AstrologyRegister here for Discover How the Psychology of Astrology Can Quiet Your Negative Inner Voice: Open the Door to Your Higher Self & Fulfil Your Destiny Through Your Inner Archetypes We’ve all heard that self-critical voice in our head that tries to undermine us at every turn. Fortunately, we don’t …2023/12/16Spiritual, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Wellness2023-12-16 15:09:43
Fasting Transformation Quickstart GuideIf you’re eager to start your fasting journey and unsure where to begin, we’ve got the perfect solution for you: the Fasting Transformation Quickstart Guide by David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS. Did you know that fasting is not just powerful, but it’s also the most inexpensive and ancient healing strategy …2023/12/13Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2023-12-13 11:35:10
Ancient and Modern Secrets for Lifelong RadianceDownload your FREE copy of Ancient and Modern Secrets for Lifelong Radiance now! Chronological aging is inevitable. The aging of your brain and body does not have to happen in the way we’ve been taught to believe… In other words, it doesn’t have to be true that your memory begins to fade, …2023/12/07Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2023-12-07 15:34:20
Natural Therapies for Reversing Chronic and Autoimmune DiseasesDownload this FREE ebook: ‘Scientific Insights into Natural Therapies for Reversing Chronic and Autoimmune Diseases’. Did your parents ever share any natural remedies with you when you were a kid? I’m sure you know how even just a few decades ago, we didn’t have pharmacies on every corner. …so people …2023/12/04Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2023-12-04 14:27:14
Enlightenment Fest 2023  Discover how every alteration in your thoughts affects your energy at the Enlightenment Fest 2023. This is not about using your mind to change behaviors. It is much easier. It is about using your mind to influence your energy so the behavior automatically changes. The same holds true for …2023/12/01Wealth Creation, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2023-12-01 18:50:32
Solving Sexual Dysfunction Summit 2023The Solving Sexual Dysfunction Summit is for people seeking real solutions to their own or their partner’s sexual dysfunction issues; beyond cursory information on search engines and social media. Do you ever feel like a stranger in your own relationship? That’s what low libido can do to you. The lack …2023/11/28Wellness, Educational, Latest News, Self Improvement2023-11-28 14:14:07
Higher Dose Biohacking Tools: 20% off site-wideHigher Dose is extending their 20% off sitewide (excluding full size saunas, bundles, & subscriptions) Black Friday deal through to December 3rd 2023!  Use their promo code: ‘HDBFCM’. Higher Dose’s  range of portable wellness tools promises a journey to your highest state from the comfort of your home. From the best-selling …2023/11/22Biofeedback, Latest News, Light & Sound Machines, Other Products, Self Improvement, Wellness2023-11-22 16:02:15
22 Sugar-Free Desserts for Great Health!Investigative journalist Jonathan Otto and his team of nutritionists created this special eBook – 22 Sugar-Free Desserts: The Tastiest Way to Great Health — and they’re offering you a limited-time FREE copy now. Are there any sugar-free treats that taste even better than sugar-filled cookies or donuts? Maybe you didn’t …2023/11/14Nutrition, Educational, Free, Latest News, Wellness2023-11-14 19:42:33
Exit and Build Health SummitThe Exit and Build Health Summit is a 5-day series of conversations with over 25 world-renowned natural health experts in every area of wellness you can think of to share their proven secrets, strategies, methods and more for exiting disease and building lifelong health in your brain and body.  The best …2023/11/10Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2023-11-10 16:15:20
Unlocking Your Quantum PowersRegister now for Dr Jean Houston’s FREE online event called “The 3 Keys to Unlocking Quantum Powers”, where you’ll discover how to expand time in order to move past your limitations, accomplish more, and create an extraordinary life. Here’s what I mean by “expand time”…  With the world undergoing continuous …2023/11/08Wealth Creation, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement, Wellness2023-11-08 14:36:16
Celtic Shamanism with Jane BurnsDiscover how to be in right standing with the earth, the heavens, and your own soul with Jane Burns as you learn about the Gifts of Celtic Shamanism. Evoke the ancient medicine of Celtic shamanism and return to your true self Reclaim your destiny and fulfill the higher purpose of …2023/11/07Spiritual, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development2023-11-07 16:14:13
The Parkinson’s Solutions Summit  Kenneth Sharlin, MD, and Sandra Scheinbaum, PhD. are here to send a message of hope that could make a difference in your journey with Parkinson’s at their Parkinson’s Solutions Summit. Parkinson’s is filled with moments of frustration and uncertainty. It often makes you question what the future holds. “Will I …2023/11/02Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2023-11-02 20:46:45
Permies Rocket Mass Heater and “Free Heat”Free heat is possible with a rocket mass heater. Some call it “carbon neutral,” others “carbon negative.” Heat your home with yard waste and cardboard while reducing global problems. Get your rocket mass heater plans from Permies. Free Heat  is a 2 hour and 18 minute film (below) that explores …2023/11/02Educational, Latest News2023-11-02 11:48:48
The Quit Sugar Summit 2024    The 11th Annual Quit Sugar Summit starts January 8th, 2024, with top doctors and world-famous health experts, revealing the naked truth about sugar, processed carbs, and what to do about it. Have you noticed how a seemingly “normal” it has become that a specific toxic substance is accepted …2023/11/01Nutrition, Educational, Free, Latest News, Wellness2023-11-01 11:12:20
7 Tools to Protect Your Aging BrainGet your  ‘Re-vitalize Your Brain 7 Tools to Protect Your Aging Brain Parkinson’s Disease Edition’ free EBook . The fear of cognitive decline is a common concern for people with brain disorders. You may have been led to believe that cognitive decline is inevitable as you age. However, you should …2023/10/31Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement2023-10-31 19:05:56
Struggles for a Just Multipolar World: Free WebinarFrom Joseph Camilleri, Emeritus Professor Joseph A. Camilleri OAM  Dear colleagues and friends, It is my very great pleasure to invite you and friends to a critically important event, perhaps our most important yet.   REGISTRATION ESSENTIAL HERE While we are rightly disturbed by the prospect of catastrophic climate change …2023/10/13Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2023-10-13 12:59:43
Relaxing Into Aging with Ram DassRelaxing Into Aging: How to Befriend the Changes With Humor, Grace and Lightness of Being with Ram Dass So much of Western culture views our older years as a time of physical diminishment and waning contribution. Yet these years can actually be the most spiritually meaningful time of your life! …2023/10/12Personal Development, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement, Spiritual, Wellness2023-10-12 11:54:22
Natural Medicines and Superfoods to Help You Detox    Click HERE to download your free copy of Top Natural Medicines and Nutrient-Rich Superfoods that Help Detox Your Body from Jonathan Otto. Learn all of this in detail with acclaimed investigative medical journalist, Jonathan Otto’s new eBook: Top Natural Medicines and Nutrient-Rich Superfoods that Help Detox Your Body, …2023/10/09Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Nutrition2023-10-09 15:30:31
Qigong for Better Health & Energy FlowReserve your complimentary space for Daisy Lee’s Qigong to Cleanse Your Organs for Better Health & Energy Flow: Receive Two Zang Fu Gong Practices to Bring Healing Energy to Your Liver & Lungs, here. The rhythms of modern life mean most of us spend a LOT of time sitting — …2023/10/07Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Spiritual2023-10-07 17:34:45
12 HeartMath Tools for Reducing Stress and Staying Balanced  Download your complimentary eBook, 12 HeartMath Tools for Reducing Stress and Staying Balanced! When faced with highly stressful adjustments that disrupt the flow of your lives and feelings of safety, it’s important to find effective coping mechanisms and strategies. What if you had the tools to deepen your heart …2023/10/05Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2023-10-05 09:09:44
Transcend Your Trauma Summit    Be in Quick to Register for the Transcend Your Trauma Summit, and discover how to use your trauma recovery experience to reach your highest potential! The Transcend Your Trauma Summit experts explore: Surprising sources of trauma that keep you unhealthy, unhappy & unsuccessful How hidden traumas can hurt …2023/10/03Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2023-10-03 11:31:56
Awakening Your Evolutionary Potential with Gregg BradenHuman potential pioneer Gregg Braden shares the new science that exposes the limiting beliefs we’ve held about who we are and where we come from, when he presents, The New Human Story: Awakening Your Evolutionary Potential for Self-healing, Longevity & Super-perception. Imagine discovering that you’re not what you’ve been told and are far more …2023/10/01Spiritual, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Wellness2023-10-01 16:27:27
‘Unlock The Hidden Power Within You’ EbookGet your free eBook from John Assaraf, “Unlock the Hidden Power Within You”, and find the 7 Keys to Success to Unleashing Your Subconscious Mind for Greater Success. And the best part is that it’s FREE! Click here to claim your [FREE Book] now! In case you haven’t read his …2023/10/01Wealth Creation, Educational, Free, Latest News2023-10-01 14:33:15
Reversing Chronic Gut Conditions SummitDiscover How to Eliminate Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhea, Heartburn, Nausea and Other Signs of Gut Disorders Naturally at The Reversing Chronic Gut Conditions Summit The Reversing Chronic Gut Conditions Summit is hosted by Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC Toxicity Specialist, Detox Expert on Digestive Disorders, and Health Activist. This Summit is especially recommended …2023/09/29Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2023-09-29 11:03:06
The Fascia & Chronic Pain Rescue Summit – FREE online event!    The Fascia & Chronic Pain Rescue Summit will reveal the latest scientific research concerning the fascial system and chronic pain, along with simple, practical strategies to help you care for your fascia. You don’t need to settle for a life riddled with pain. Most people don’t realize that …2023/09/27Audio, Free, Latest News, Video, Wellness2023-09-27 21:37:35
Healing with Light – Healingfest (FREE event)Get a Free Pass to see a demonstration of the Sacred Scalar Lasers in a free online event called the Healing with Light – Healingfest hosted by Learning Strategies Can physical devices actually help you heal and raise your energy to higher levels? You are likely to have used or experimented with various modalities …2023/09/26Light & Sound Machines, Free, Latest News, Video, Wellness2023-09-26 18:53:41
Ayurvedic Wisdom & Empowered AgingRegister here for Discover Empowered Aging With Ayurvedic Wisdom & Modern Science: Shift Physical & Emotional Obstacles to Your Wellbeing for More Energy, Joy & Vibrant Health, with  Dr. John Douillard. The Ayurvedic philosophies of India discovered that a significant portion of your health and wellness hinges on speaking your …2023/09/25Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Spiritual2023-09-25 18:39:50
10 easy steps to balance pH levels for less pain – a FREE guide      10 easy steps to balance pH levels for less pain – FREE guide Why does pH matter? An acidic milieu can cause an increase in pain threshold receptors, so the more acidic you are, the more pain you perceive. Learn about how acidity in the body leads …2023/09/22Self Improvement, Free, Latest News, Wellness2023-09-22 16:09:47
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome FAQ  Get Beth O’Hara and Dr. Kelly McCann’s comprehensive, 43-page eGuide, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: Frequently Asked Questions! MCAS is such a complex and misunderstood condition, it’s natural to have questions. And many patients do. Get answers from a trusted source! Beth O’Hara, FN, and Kelly McCann, MD, have been …2023/09/20Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2023-09-20 17:53:49
Reduced Stress with the HigherDOSE Infrared PEMF MatExperience a deeper sense of calm and enjoy the benefits of infrared heat without needing an intense sweat session, combining the power of infrared with the healing frequency of PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) technology. The HIGHERDOSE Infrared PEMF Mat recharges your cells while leaving you relaxed, regrounded, and rebalanced. (U.S. only) The …2023/09/15Other Products, Latest News, Meditation, Wellness2023-09-15 16:45:26
Nature’s Secret Code to a Youthful BodyDownload Nature’s Secret Code to a Slim, Healthy, Youthful Body (Without Dieting) by Amish Shah and learn his holistic approach combining lifestyle practices, mindfulness, and simple healthy eating. Look good, feel good. You hear this from health and fitness gurus all the time, but at what cost? What they teach …2023/09/14Nutrition, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2023-09-14 12:16:31
Healing and Resilience eGuideGet this complimentary eGuide to discover the reasons behind your fatigue and illness. “Awakening Awareness Around Your Hidden Healing Blocks” can aid you on your path to healing and resilience. Do you feel like you’re “doing everything right” but you still have trouble healing? You don’t have to “just live …2023/09/12Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement2023-09-12 14:23:58
HearthMath’s Inner Balance Coherence PlusWith HeartMath’s new Inner Balance Coherence Plus system, you can access a healthy and high-performance state called heart coherence, where your heart and brain are in sync. The Inner Balance Coherence Plus system can help you prevent or reduce stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, improve health and performance, and clear your …2023/09/08Biofeedback, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2023-09-08 20:44:09
The Highly Sensitive Person’s Life RedesignThe Highly Sensitive Person’s Life Redesign Do you feel everything — deeply? Perhaps you’ve been diagnosed with anxiety — and told to stop stressing out and being so… “sensitive”? For most highly sensitive people (HSPs), anxiety is the #1 complaint that puts them at a painful disadvantage. It makes perfect …2023/09/04Self Improvement, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Video2023-09-04 19:10:50
Steps to Help Identify and Heal Trauma eBook              Unlock HealthMeans’ 27-page eBook, ‘Steps to Help Identify and Heal Trauma’, and learn how to support yourself after a traumatic experience and beyond!  Trauma has played a formative role in almost every person’s life and comes in many different forms. Sometimes traumatic events …2023/09/04Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2023-09-04 13:52:35
Rockin’ Life at Any AgeRegister now for the Rockin’ Life at any Age Summit by  HealthMeans and create the life of your choosing despite your current fears of what getting older may bring for you! Do you often think about how time is ticking by and you still haven’t done what you were put …2023/08/31Self Improvement, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development2023-08-31 14:56:21
Your Wealth DNA Code! You have the ability to attract untold wealth and abundance into your life…and this ability is lying dormant inside your DNA. The simple yet scientifically proven Wealth DNA method laid out in the free report you can download here allows you to effortlessly start attracting the wealth and abundance you …2023/08/29Wealth Creation, Educational, Free, Latest News2023-08-29 14:53:52
One Key Shift: A Woman-Centered Coaching EbookThe One Key Shift: Dr Claire Zammit’s Woman-Centered Coaching Ebook  will show you how to unlock deeper results in Your Work with Women and Why it’s the KEY to Raising Your Rates, Increasing Your Referrals & Attracting the Clients You Are Most Called to Work With. If you’re like every …2023/08/25Self Improvement, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Wealth Creation2023-08-25 21:34:06
Menopause Transition Summit – September 5-11Mastering the Meno(Pause) Transition Summit Did you know that a symptom-free menopause transition is possible? Yes, you read that right. Menopause is not a disease. It’s a natural transition that every woman experiences. It’s a transformative phase in your life, and it doesn’t have to come with all the burden you’ve heard …2023/08/22Wellness, Free, Latest News2023-08-22 09:15:53
Reduce Allergies Naturally – Aromahead FREE webinar            Reduce Allergies Naturally Using Essential Oils is a free Aromahead Institute webinar Years ago, Andrea Butje used essential oils to relieve her allergies naturally – and she’s sharing her techniques! Register here! In this webinar, you’ll learn: 5 simple yet effective essential oil blends …2023/08/12Personal Development, Free, Latest News2023-08-12 17:50:07
Develop the Mental Tools to Be More LovingBe More Loving: Make your family and friends feel valued Do you wish it were easier to show the people you love how much you care? Do you feel like you used to be more loving but have lost the ability somewhere along the way? You probably focus on your …2023/08/08Hypnosis audio, Audio, Latest News, Self Improvement, Wellness2023-08-08 21:06:05
Train Yourself to Be More Grounded  Develop a mindset that helps you be more grounded Does it ever feel like you’re all over the place and unable to focus? Do you tend to think of the worst possible outcome or get carried away with “what ifs?” When you can’t stay grounded, everyday tasks get harder …2023/08/08Hypnosis audio, Audio, Latest News, Self Improvement, Wellness2023-08-08 19:07:21
Overcome Staring OCD  New at Hypnosisdownloads.com this month is: Overcome Staring OCD Train yourself to ignore what your brain is telling you and live freely Do you constantly worry about staring at people? Are you filled with anxiety about what might happen if you get caught staring? OCD is the same no …2023/08/06Hypnosis audio, Audio, Latest News, Self Improvement2023-08-06 13:44:50
Fast Like a Girl Summit  The Fast Like a Girl Summit, hosted by the visionary Kashif Khan, CEO of The DNA Company, and the empowering Dr. Mindy Pelz, Author of Fast Like A Girl, a Wall Street Journal Best Seller, is here to guide you. This life-changing virtual summit is where cutting-edge science meets heart-centered healing. Discover …2023/08/01Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement2023-08-01 10:10:20
2023 Homesteading Bundle – a great Permies deal!Permies.com is offering you a great deal this year! The Homesteading Bundle includes 35 resources to help you reach your homesteading goals. This bundle covers a wide spectrum of material, with resources for gardening, food preservation, farming, soil health, land acquisition and beekeeping. There are also resources on rainwater harvesting, …2023/07/21Gardening, Educational, Latest News, Nutrition, Wellness2023-07-21 09:51:56
Root Causes of Leaky Gut & Digestive Conditions eGuideFind out the Root Causes of Leaky Gut & Digestive Conditions in HealthMeans new free eGuide What causes a leaky gut? A combination of surprising factors – parasites, mold toxicity, chemicals, trauma, Lyme disease, coinfections and/or bacteria – can lead to leaky gut syndrome, a condition that presents with a …2023/07/18Nutrition, Educational, Free, Latest News, Wellness2023-07-18 08:52:39
Discover Hope for Humanity’s Future Register here for Discover Hope for Humanity’s Future — Science, Spirituality & the Noosphere: Find Deeper Meaning in Our Spiritual Traditions With Illuminating Insights in Science & Technology If we look to the past, it’s evident that as human beings we are capable of profound acts of courage, selflessness, and …2023/07/17Spiritual, Educational, Free, Latest News2023-07-17 09:03:58
HealthyLine Red Light Therapy to Reduce Pain & InflammationHealthyLine Red Light Therapy to Reduce Pain & Inflammation Do you think it’s possible to reduce your pain and inflammation in as little as 10 minutes/day? While research is still being conducted, the research that has been done so far demonstrates that the use of Red Light Therapy can have …2023/07/10Wellness, Latest News2023-07-10 10:36:18
Mindset & Stress Reduction & Your Thyroid Ebook  Stress is no friend to your thyroid. In fact, it can exacerbate your condition, creating a cycle of exhaustion. Grab a copy of Mindset & Stress Reduction by Sharon Stills, ND & prioritize your health and wellness. This guide aims to help you reduce stress through simple practices you …2023/07/08Wellness, Free, Latest News2023-07-08 16:31:53
Dr. Wahls’ Diet Cheat Sheet for Managing Autoimmune Disease Grab a copy of Dr. Wahls’ Diet Cheat Sheet for Managing Autoimmune Disease & start to reclaim control over your health and feel good again, beginning with the food you eat. Living with an autoimmune disease is a daily struggle. It brings forth a myriad of symptoms that can disrupt your …2023/07/07Wellness, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement2023-07-07 06:46:38
27 Holistic Foods That Eliminate Pain eBook  Get  your free ebook  here  on 27 Holistic Foods that  Eliminate Pain Maybe you’re thinking, ‘How is a book going to help my pain?!’ Well, first off, let’s talk nutrition… How your diet impacts pain might shock you… There is a significant connection between your body’s reaction to food and the scale …2023/07/05Nutrition, Educational, Free, Latest News, Wellness2023-07-05 15:19:29
Understanding Hashimotos: A Path to Wellness by Kevin ConnersGet your copy of Understanding Hashimoto’s: A Path to Wellness by Kevin Conners, DPSc, FICT, FAARFM. Hashimoto’s symptoms can be deceptive and often result in misdiagnosis. You may have even been told that your experiences are simply a part of aging or menopause. That shouldn’t be the case. You deserve more …2023/07/05Educational, Free, Latest News2023-07-05 10:45:16
The Shyness and Social Anxiety System  Sean Cooper, a former social anxiety sufferer has created The Shyness and Social Anxiety System Learn how to overcome your quietness; Erase your insecurities;  Be confident around people! Get practical and tested advice. Find out more here! (Note that ChangeThatMind is an affiliate of Sean Cooper and thereby receives …2023/06/26Self Improvement, Free, Latest News, Personal Development2023-06-26 09:22:31
Unlock the Power of MeditationDiscover the Simple, Powerful Shift that Will Ignite Your Meditation & Activate Awakened Consciousness Download Your FREE eBook Now! When you ‘Unlock the Power of Meditation’, you’ll discover how to: Access the miracle of awakened consciousness every time you meditate and allow its energy to infuse every aspect of your life. Experience …2023/06/12Meditation, Educational, Free, Latest News2023-06-12 14:50:30
Psycho-Energetic Root Causes of Chronic IllnessThe Psycho-Energetic Root Causes of Chronic Illness Masterclass could help you discover what’s blocking your recovery & learn how to optimize the mind-body-energy connection for next-level health & wellness! Do you feel like you’re going around in circles trying to heal despite your best efforts? What if the solution to …2023/06/05Wellness, Free, Latest News2023-06-05 17:32:18
PEMF mats from HealthylineHealthyLine’s revolutionary PEMF mats and far-infrared mats are designed to improve your health and wellness using natural gemstone heat therapy. Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMFT, or PEMF therapy), also known as low field magnetic stimulation (LFMS) is the use of electromagnetic fields in an attempt to heal non-union fractures and depression. -Wikipedia  Healthyline notes that ‘The process of receiving …2023/05/26Wellness, Latest News, Light & Sound Machines, Other Products2023-05-26 10:12:05
Become a Certified Aromatherapist – Aromahead FREE WebinarDiscover how to gain the confidence and credibility to become a certified aromatherapist Science is proving that essential oils benefit our health and happiness. Expand your knowledge and become a trusted expert. Master the art and science of essential oils with Aromahead Institute flagship aromatherapy course! The Aromatherapy Certification Program teaches …2023/05/18Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Video, Wellness2023-05-18 11:00:42
Total Money Magnetism: Steve G JonesTotal Money Magnetism by Steve G Jones, is a six-step system that helps to effortlessly and automatically re-program your brain to become the brain of a millionaire. The Total Money Magnetism concept has been developed by Dr. Steve G Jones, world-renowned clinical hypnotherapist with decades of experience in helping people …2023/05/18Wealth Creation, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2023-05-18 10:01:38
Ayurveda Can Help Enhance your Longevity          Ayurveda – Simple Practices that Support Conscious Aging and Vibrant Health In the Ayurvedic philosophies of ancient India, it’s understood that living your truth eases stress levels and is vitally important for living a conscious, loving, healthy, and long life. The good news is that …2023/05/11Wellness, Educational, Latest News, Self Improvement, Spiritual, Video2023-05-11 17:26:05
Enneagram-Informed Life – a 9-module on-demand courseRegister now for Awakening Into Higher Consciousness by Living an Enneagram-Informed Life: An Introduction to the Foundations of the Enneagram. The Shift Network invites you to attend a free one-hour event, where you will be introduced to the most important elements of living an Enneagram-informed life. This 9-module on-demand course is taught …2023/05/05Spiritual, Educational, Free, Latest News2023-05-05 21:58:55
Positive Parenting Conference 2023Just letting you know about a FREE online masterclass series exclusively for Positive Parents!: The Positive Parenting Conference 2023.   Big names like Dr. Larry Cohen, Dr. Tina Bryson, Dr. Laura Markham, Dr. Carla Naumburg, Lynn Lyons, Julie Lythcott-Haims and more are coming together to share practical, tailored-for-busy-parents tips for raising happy, …2023/05/01Personal Development, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement2023-05-01 16:54:20
Build a Sanctuary in the Country – Free Summit  Learn how to Build a Sanctuary in the Country Get your ideal homestead on fertile land with a sustainable, off-grid house and build (or join) a community that supports your values & ideals at the Exit and Build Land Summit III. You can make it happen THIS YEAR or …2023/04/27Gardening, Educational, Latest News, Nutrition, Self Improvement, Wellness2023-04-27 09:56:29
Mito Red Light – Red Light Advanced TherapyMito Red Light produce some of the best quality and value for money Red and Near Infrared Light Therapy products out there. Red and Near Infrared Light Therapy safely stimulates the mitochondria in our cells which thereby increases the energy production and health of those cells. Red light between 600-700nm …2023/04/21Light & Sound Machines, Educational, Latest News, Wellness2023-04-21 13:30:37
The Louie Channel Launch Party – You’re invited!Join The Louie Channel – a positive streaming platform Curated by award-winning director Louie Schwartzberg, the platform provides access to fan favorite films like Fantastic Fungi, Gratitude revealed, Moving Art Series and many more. The content is available FREE to subscribers. They had a FABULOUS launch party! They gathered extraordinary …2023/04/21Educational, Entertainment, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Spiritual, Video2023-04-21 09:46:37
Off-Grid Survival ToolkitThe Off-Grid Survival Toolkit from Marjory Wildcraft consists of 27 presentations covering crucial topics related to living, & thriving, during an extended emergency. Each presentation is from 38 minutes to over an hour long. You will receive both video and audio files for each presentation, plus full PDF transcripts. And …2023/04/20Gardening, Educational, Latest News, Nutrition2023-04-20 12:06:49
Brainwave Club – the Finest Brainwave Guidance Meditation Sessions on the WebGain Instant Access to more than 200 of the Finest Brainwave Guidance Meditation Sessions on the web at the Brainwave Club. The unique brainwave technology works a lot like ancient rhythmic drumming. It’s a safe, effective and pleasurable way to sync your brain’s activity with a targeted rhythm or frequency, which …2023/04/19Meditation, Audio, Binaural, Educational, Latest News, Self Improvement2023-04-19 18:56:50
Shamanic Journeying – Accurate Guidance on Life’s ChallengesSandra Ingerman, recognised world-wide as a leading teacher of shamanism, takes you through the key elements of how to access your inner guidance Watch her FREE webinar: The Healing Power of Shamanic Journeying: How to Access Inner Guidance from Helping Spirits. Sandra teaches you how you can enter that parallel …2023/04/13Spiritual, Educational, Free, Latest News2023-04-13 12:04:33
Discover the Secrets to Quantum HealingDr. Christine Schaffner & Kelly Kennedy have recently hosted a webinar called Discover the Secrets to Quantum Healing That webinar is now available online and you can revisit it anytime you want. WATCH THE RECORDING HERE! Passcode: G0L0L=r! Their webinar covers a lot of valuable information about Quantum Healing, and …2023/04/12Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Video2023-04-12 08:14:53
Vitality & Anti-Aging NeuroMovement HealingfestIt’s a NeuroMovement Healingfest Experience Anat Baniel’s NeuroMovement system to get the brain working better & actually prevent (even reverse!) a lot of the symptoms so many people experience as they age in the Vitality & Anti-Aging NeuroMovement Healingfest. Anat Baniel shows you how to effortlessly have both greater vitality and …2023/04/11Wellness, Free, Latest News2023-04-11 10:09:01
Entheogenesis: spiritual healing thru mind-altering substancesEntheogenesis Initiation: Explore a Path of True Spiritual Healing With Divine Sacraments & Psychedelic Medicines Until fairly recently in terms of human history, psychedelic plant medicines and divine ceremonial sacraments played an essential role in shaping our collective cultural visions — and establishing within the individual a clear sense of …2023/03/28Spiritual, Educational, Free, Latest News2023-03-28 21:34:26
Global Energy Healing Summit 2.0Discover 40+ Ancient Ways to Regain Vitality & Resolve Energy Deficiency at the free Global Energy Healing Summit 2.0! The Global Energy Healing Summit 2.0 delves into ancient practices that empower people to be healthier, happier, and live longer, more prosperous lives. Hear from 40+ of the world’s leading experts …2023/03/14Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development2023-03-14 14:12:35
BrainTap-Your Brain at Its Best!BrainTap – Your Brain at its Best! The BrainTap  system uses your mobile device & headphones to tap into different neural pathways in your brain It delivers a full suite of sessions that range across desired life outcomes and tap into different neural pathways in your brain. With over 1,800 …2023/02/27Light & Sound Machines, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2023-02-27 14:33:56
Fasting Lifestyle Summit 2023  Learn how to put together a plan that optimizes your digestive function, helps maintain discipline & can improve heart, brain, blood pressure, inflammation & blood sugar functions at the Fasting Lifestyle Summit 2023! Incorporating a fasting lifestyle could help with: Weight loss Lower cholesterol Reduced inflammation Reduced insulin resistance …2023/02/20Nutrition, Educational, Free, Latest News, Wellness2023-02-20 14:28:24
The Miracle of Direct Awakening: Meditation 2.0Reserve Your Spot here for Meditation 2.0: The Miracle of Direct Awakening with Craig Hamilton from Evolving Wisdom. Have you ever had a deep and profound spiritual experience? What if you could sustain that awakened state and tap into a limitless source of creative power, freedom, love and purposefulness every …2023/02/20Meditation, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement, Spiritual2023-02-20 09:21:29
Responsive Intelligence with Daniel Sunshine  On Saturday, February 25, explore with Daniel Sunshine how Responsive Intelligence lays the groundwork to support your own vast & limitless journey of awakening — because if you don’t embody these practices, you won’t be able to teach them with true authority. The stress of our post-pandemic era is presenting …2023/02/15Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2023-02-15 11:47:53
Breathwork Summit 2023  Sign up for the Shift Network’s upcoming Breathwork Summit 2023 & you’ll discover the next generation of breathwork practices for lasting resilience & healing… During these times of intense and rapid change, it’s so helpful to know how to tap into tools within you to stay emotionally grounded and in control of …2022/12/20Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement2022-12-20 11:10:01
Supercharge Your Energy Healing with Pulsed Magnetic Fields  Supercharge your Energy Healing; healing ANY Injury Faster with Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs). If you spend a lot of time in the gym or training for races, you know the value of a safe and healthy recovery time. What if you could cut it in half? Drop your email …2022/12/15Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Neurofeedback2022-12-15 09:42:38
Science of Healing & ConsciousnessJoin Lloyd Burrell & explore the science and secrets of the mind-body connection. Learn how to inspire your body’s innate capacity for healing in his ‘The Science of Healing & Consciousness Masterclass’. What if you could harness the power of CONSCIOUSNESS to ELEVATE your physical health and emotional well-being? At …2022/12/12Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2022-12-12 13:26:31
10th Quit Sugar Summit 2023Join the 10th Annual Quit Sugar Summit in 2023, with the focus this year on “Sugar and Your Brain”. Did you know that they are now calling Alzheimer’s – Diabetes 3? The reason being is that the percentage of diabetics that eventually get Alzheimer’s is staggeringly high. Science can’t prove …2022/12/07Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2022-12-07 19:11:14
Mayan Cosmology Register now for Walk Your Spiritual Healing Path Through the Exploration of Mayan Cosmology: Connect to Your Ancestors with Traditional Wisdom, Blessings & Sacred Ceremony. We each have a destiny given to us at birth, according to the Mayans. To fully embrace your destiny, you must learn to seek guidance …2022/12/05Spiritual, Educational, Free, Latest News2022-12-05 19:02:03
Communicate Soul to Soul With the Spirit WorldSuzanne  Giesemann shares how you can access clear & accurate guidance from other realms —& from which you can best serve others — in Communicate Soul to Soul With the Spirit World: The Key to Accessing Your Innate Mediumship Skills & a Life of Love & Joy. Did you know …2022/11/30Spiritual, Educational, Free, Latest News2022-11-30 14:38:47
Toltec Secrets of Dreaming  Mexican mystic, healer & dream teacher  Sergio Magaña  shares the power of the Toltecs in ‘Toltec Secrets of Dreaming’: release heavy energies of the past, clear the way for more transformative dream states, & help manifest your desires. Did you know that your nighttime dreams can provide powerful insights …2022/11/25Spiritual, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2022-11-25 16:32:03
10 Ways to Support Your Lymphatic SystemDownload your complimentary 10 Ways to Support Your Lymphatic System eBook from HealthMeans! The lymphatic system is a silent and unexpected influencer of many bodily functions, including immune tolerance. But how do we best support it? Discover the primary jobs of the lymphatic system, how it plays a role in maintaining …2022/11/18Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Nutrition2022-11-18 19:26:10
Root Causes, Rapid Results for Chronic Health IssuesFind & fix your hidden root causes when you attend the free, online event ‘Root Causes, Rapid Results’.  This event can help you address your chronic health issues. What’s stopping you from getting well? It can be incredibly difficult to find out when the root causes of chronic health issues …2022/10/27Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2022-10-27 18:33:35
Mindplace Light & Sound Meditation Systems  Light & Sound Meditation Systems from  Mindplace Mindplace  can help you change your mind! A Light and Sound Mind Meditation session may trigger experiences possibly beyond anything you have experienced before, and for the beginning meditator it is truly a revolution to be able to silence the monkey mind …2022/10/13Light & Sound Machines, Audio Software, Meditation, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Wellness2022-10-13 16:07:35
Creating Conscious Relationships SummitA conscious relationship is a co-creation based on intention, self acceptance and a commitment to learning how to explore and experience deep intimacy, understanding and safety. Join the Embody Lab this Saturday, October 15th for our Full-Day Summit Creating Conscious Relationships and discover tools to build deeper, more connected and conscious relationships across …2022/10/12Personal Development, Educational, Free, Latest News2022-10-12 16:14:10
Online-Therapy.comThe most complete online therapy toolbox there is: Online-Therapy.com – Individual (Therapy for me) – Couples Therapy (Therapy for us) – 1 live session à 45 min/week (video, voice or text) – Unlimited messaging – 8 section CBT program, incl. 25 worksheets – Daily worksheet replies Mon-Fri – Yoga & …2022/10/11Self Improvement, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Suicide prevention2022-10-11 16:42:43
SuperSleep with HemiSync  Super Sleep Enjoy the benefits of totally refreshing, natural sleep with SuperSleep with HemiSync. Super Sleep helps you produce the natural brain-wave patterns of the Delta sleep state and enjoy the benefits of totally refreshing, deeply restorative sleep. Use ear buds, headphones or speakers placed on either side of the …2022/10/10Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement2022-10-10 16:42:38
Unlock the Secrets of the Sutras  Deborah King   shows you how to receive the wisdom & healing power of the sutras so you can clear blocked energy, emotion,  limiting beliefs — & reveal your highest gifts — in  Unlock the Secrets of the Sutras: Vedic Wisdom to Clear Energy Blocks & Access Your Divine Gifts. …2022/10/04Spiritual, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Wellness2022-10-04 16:23:33
September 2022 Titles from Hypnosis DownloadsNew September hypnosis titles from  Hypnosis Downloads; ‘Belong in a New Place‘: ‘Stop Trying Too Hard in Relationships’ & ‘Fear of Driving on Highways’. Belong in a New Place  is a hypnosis programme for those who have problems settling in to a new location. Next is Stop Trying Too Hard …2022/09/20Hypnosis audio, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2022-09-20 16:34:07
Insulin Resistance Summit 2022Register now for the Insulin Resistance Summit 2022, for the latest research on the reversal of insulin resistance & diabetes. Dr. Mowll shares effective, natural strategies to create metabolic flexibility & get your blood sugar under control. Insulin resistance often goes undetected for years, even decades, increasing the risk for …2022/09/05Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2022-09-05 17:02:29
SuccessSubliminals  The secret to SuccessSubliminals is their carefully crafted affirmation script, combined with advanced audio processing technology. Compression: Affirmations repeat at accelerated speed Whisper: Subliminal Play below the level of conscious hearing 3D Stereo Confusion: Spoken into each ear separately Silent Subliminal: Additional ultrasonic frequency layer Meditative Music: Relaxed state for …2022/08/30Subliminal audio, Audio, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Video2022-08-30 16:20:59
What to Eat, When to Eat & Why Summit 2022Upgrade your diet for health and healing when you attend The ‘What to Eat, When to Eat, & Why Summit’  complimentary online event! The What to Eat, When to Eat, & Why Summit could help you answer questions about: Balancing blood sugar, preventing diabetes & heart disease Breaking through weight …2022/08/26Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2022-08-26 12:55:54
Fantastic Fungi Global SummitThere’s a movement and revolution that is BOOMING right now and I’m so excited to tell you about it! It’s not a plant and it’s not an animal. It is the oldest record of a multicellular organism found on earth over 2.4 billion years ago! It heals you, reveals nature’s …2021/10/06Wellness, Educational, Free, Gardening, Latest News, Nutrition, Spiritual2021-10-06 18:29:49
‘Hypnosis Downloads’ for August 2020This month’s August 2020 new hypnosis titles from Hypnosis Downloads. As life in Scotland returns to some semblance of normality for the Hypnosis Downloads people, they are still running their special offers at Hypnosis Downloads.com, but they may end soon – depending on how things go of course.  – they …2020/08/04Hypnosis audio, Educational, Latest News, Uncategorized2020-08-04 09:57:29
May 2020 Hypnosis Audio from Uncommon KnowledgeFor May 2020, Uncommon Knowledge   have released new hypnosis audio;  I Don’t Fit In,  Unavailable Women Addiction, Try New Things for Kids, &  Keep Calm and Carry On. Uncommon Knowledge have been trying to help in whatever way they can during this pandemic , with last month’s release of Stop Touching …2020/05/01Hypnosis audio, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2020-05-01 08:26:07
Stop Touching Your Face HypnosisIncrease your resistance to disease and boost your wellbeing by breaking the habit of touching your face with Hypnosis Downloads (free). Do you often find yourself touching your face unnecessarily? Are you worried that it may be increasing your risk of infection? Studies suggest that people touch their face as …2020/03/31Educational, Free, Hypnosis audio, Latest News, Wellness2020-03-31 10:59:39
Make a Good Living Regenerating the EarthWant to make a good living & regenerate the Earth?- then register for  this free online event from the Permaculture Skills Center: The Regenerative Economy Roundtable;  February 12th  2020..  Make a Good Living while Regenerating the Earth. Join Erik Ohlsen as he talks with 3 inspiring leaders from three different …2020/02/07Educational, Latest News, Nutrition, Self Improvement, Wellness2020-02-07 11:48:41
GreenMedInfo’s free 287p report: Science of LongevityGet GreenMedInfo’s amazing, 287-page report, Science of Longevity, and learn what science says about why we age and what we can do to pull back the reins on Father Time! FREE when  you register for Sayer Ji from GreenMedInfo’s ‘Regenerate Yourself Masterclass’. Download the 287-page Science of Longevity report now! How would …2020/01/31Uncategorized, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement, Wellness2020-01-31 13:07:29
Hypnosis Downloads October 20193 New hypnosis downloads from Hypnosis Downloads for October 2019 Fear of Losing Someone Fear of Losing Someone is an audio hypnosis session that will help you develop a stronger, wiser state of mind that will allow you to be more present with your loved ones and to enjoy the …2019/10/02Hypnosis audio, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Wellness2019-10-02 20:57:58
Diabetes EssentialsClick here to register for Dr. Mowll’s diabetes masterclass now! Diabetes is a deadly disease, but it can be prevented and reversed with the right lifestyle changes and strategies — this masterclass from diabetes authority, Dr. Brian Mowll, provides the ultimate plan to help regain control of your blood sugar! …2019/10/02Free, Educational, Latest News, Wellness2019-10-02 14:48:44
The iAWAKE Profound Meditation 3.0 programThe Profound Meditation Program 3.0 Starter Kit gives you the tools you need to begin your own interior practice and become a conscious participant in evolving yourself and your amazing human brain. Greatness, and excellence, and higher levels of development in all the various human lines and intelligences is something …2019/09/23Meditation, Educational, Entrainment audio, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Spiritual2019-09-23 09:46:40
BE from iAWAKEiAwake have produced a powerful new brainwave entrainment track called BE. It is a 63 minute and 47 second track (plus a 20minute shortened bonus track) and entrains the brain to 9 Hz, or low alpha brain waves. This track can be used for meditation or as something to assist …2019/09/20Meditation, Entrainment audio, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Spiritual, Uncategorized2019-09-20 08:48:39
Supercharged Food: Wellness and Wellbeing  Supercharged food from Lee Holmes’ Supercharge Your Life will help you feel amazing & improve your health through diet & nutrition & healthy lifestyle tips. The main purpose of the website is to provide easy to prepare yummy recipes which are all gluten, wheat, dairy, yeast and sugar free. …2019/09/06Nutrition, Educational, Free, Gardening, Latest News, Personal Development, Uncategorized, Wellness2019-09-06 18:59:57
Learn Mindfulness and Meditation: The Mindfulness SummitLearn Mindfulness & Meditation from 31 World Class Experts at the Mindfulness Summit & Live with More Peace, Purpose & Wisdom. START YOUR JOURNEY FREE TODAY: REGISTER NOW! GET INSTANT ACCESS TO MINDFULNESS TUTORIALS WITH SOME OF THE WORLDS MOST RESPECTED TEACHERS, AND A FIVE DAY MINDFULNESS MINI SERIES Over …2019/08/07Meditation, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Spiritual2019-08-07 15:38:46
Hypnosis Downloads August 2019 TitlesGet  your latest  Hypnosis Download recordings from  Uncommon Knowledge below. How to Be More Mature Take charge of your life with integrity and enthusiasm Do you find yourself being embarrassingly immature sometimes? Does being more mature somehow feel boring or scary? Immaturity manifests in many ways, including: Disorganization Difficulty focusing …2019/07/30Hypnosis audio, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Wellness2019-07-30 11:18:26
The 5G Crisis: HealthTalks OnlineLearn more about the dangers of 5G wireless when you attend this free ‘5G Crisis’ online event! Josh del Sol, activist and filmmaker, and Sayer Ji, co-founder of GreenMedInfo, have teamed up for an important event, The 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability. Learn more below… As consumers, we’re being told …2019/07/22Educational, Free, Latest News, Uncategorized, Wellness2019-07-22 10:56:06
Generation Mindful: Teaching Kids about Emotions Playfully!Generation Mindful: Teaching kids about emotions mindfully & playfully!  Children aren’t born knowing how to regulate their emotions any more than they are born knowing how to tie their shoes. Regulation is a skill, so let’s teach it! Why is play so important? Research tells us that play is the …2019/07/20Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Wellness2019-07-20 20:21:52
The Eco-Landscape Mastery School: become a regenerative leader in your communityREGISTER HERE for the Eco-landscape Mastery School. Together we can regenerate our communities, our landscapes, and our world. Your time for regenerative leadership is now. This program is designed to help you align your passion for a better world with the development of a career path that actively creates the …2019/04/29Gardening, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2019-04-29 12:35:55
The Productive Gardener: a 1 year eCourseThe Productive Gardener is a full 1 year e-course. It will guide you step by step to plan, build and grow a productive garden in just 3 hours per fortnight! What if there was a way to grow food to feed your family for as little as 1 1/2 hours …2019/04/20Gardening, Educational, Latest News, Self Improvement, Wellness2019-04-20 17:11:31
The Toxic Mold Summit 2019: HealthTalks OnlineRegister now for The Toxic Mold Summit!–  this summit will provide you with vital information about Breaching the BLOOD BRAIN barrier Alzheimer’s, MS and neurodegenerative disease The gut-brain connection Gut healing for detoxification Too many people have had mystery illnesses FOR YEARS, when it’s truly based in a mold allergy …2019/01/28Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2019-01-28 12:41:50
Fasting TransformationFasting is the most ancient, inexpensive and powerful healing strategy known to mankind -Join Eat Like an Italian to learn everything you need to know about this transformational health tactic!   It’s an ancient healing practice that dates back to the beginning of mankind, when our bodies were forced to …2018/12/11Nutrition, Educational, Latest News, Self Improvement, Uncategorized, Wellness2018-12-11 08:50:13
How to Avoid & Heal the Toxic Brain: HealthTalks Online    Click here to download your free eBook, “How to Avoid and Heal the Toxic Brain!” Get this vital, 30-page eBook from Drs. Ryan Wohlfert and Isaac Jones, How to Avoid and Heal the Toxic Brain, and learn proven, natural solutions to overcoming brain diseases and disorders! The first …2018/11/07Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2018-11-07 08:25:07
The Superhuman Brain MasterclassRegister for the SUPERhuman Brain MASTERCLASS to help prevent and heal from brain attacks like depression, anxiety, headaches, ADHD, memory loss, epilepsy, dementia and other neurological disorders. Your brain is under attack — disorders like depression, anxiety, headaches, ADHD, memory loss, epilepsy, dementia and other neurological disorders are MORE prevalent …2018/10/30Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement2018-10-30 10:27:34
The Autoimmune Revolution    Learn to treat the root cause of your pain, not just the symptoms, at Dr. Peter Osborne’s Autoimmune Revolution: register now! The popular way conventional doctors treat autoimmune diseases is to prescribe immune-suppressing drugs — which is causing an even greater health crisis. If you have an autoimmune …2018/10/18Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Uncategorized2018-10-18 09:53:38
Fix for Female Hormones Summit with Misty Williams    Fix your female hormones when you attend this free, online event with Misty Williams Tired of being flabby, foggy and fatigued? Join me and learn how to regain energy, recharge your brain, overcome illness and get your body back! Too many women have health crises holding them back: …2018/09/15Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2018-09-15 18:56:49
The Science of Breathing: from UPLIFT filmsIn the Science of Breathing video from UPLIFT, neuro-ophthalmologist, Dr. Mithu Storoni, explains how controlled breathing in yoga can help you de-stress, increase your focus, and improve your overall well-being. A lovely video to watch and listen and act upon! https://uplift.tv/2018/the-science-of-breathing/  A film by UPLIFT Other Relevant CTM Posts Breathwork Summit …2018/07/31Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Spiritual2018-07-31 10:22:37
Alzheimers and Dementia Summit: HealthTalks OnlineAt the Alzheimer’s and Dementia online summit, you’ll discover how to Protect your Brain Health and improve your memory, concentration, & Overall Well-Being. It’s Easier Than You Think. Click here to access the Alzheimer’s and Dementia online summit   Make the simple changes discussed in this 26-page report — by …2018/07/22Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2018-07-22 14:04:41
The Candida Summit: HealthTalks Online  Learn to overcome candida and reclaim your health at The Candida Summit Candida is a naturally occurring, yet “opportunistic” fungus. With the right conditions, there’s no limit to where it will spread and, when rampant, it can cause intense sugar cravings, brain fog, bloating, depression, anxiety, digestive issues, low …2018/06/15Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2018-06-15 09:34:11
FREE subliminal downloads from Indigo MindLabsAccess free downloads of these quality subliminal products from Indigo Mindlabs (Scroll to the bottom of the page to access their freebies!) https://www.subliminal-shop.com/   Other Relevant CTM Posts Unlock your two FREE Subliminal MP3s, from the Subliminal Guru superstore! Views: 162018/04/05Subliminal audio, Educational, Free, Hypnosis audio, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Wellness2018-04-05 10:37:55
Body Language Secrets from The Raikov EffectUncover the Secrets of Body Language in this FREE copy of “Body Language Secrets” from the Raikov Effect. Know FOR SURE if Someone is Lying! Find Out If They’re Interested in You! Instantly Know If They’re Paying Attention!   Read this PDF guide from the Raikov Effect, and you’ll be …2017/12/03Personal Development, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement, Uncategorized2017-12-03 15:51:13
UpliftTV: FREE films about consciousnessSign Up Free to UPLIFT TV Today! Watch all the UPLIFT films FREE on their new video platform, including ‘The Science Behind Yoga’, ‘The Inner Peace Revolution’, ‘Building Compassion’ and dozens more! Join the UPLIFT Film Club, by confirming your subscription, to be first to see new releases from UPLIFT and other conscious film makers every fortnight! No credit card needed. …2017/11/22Video, Educational, Entertainment, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement, Spiritual, Wellness2017-11-22 14:09:21
Kasina sound & light machine from MindplaceMindplace’s most mature product yet, Kasina – This Pali term refers to an ancient system of meditation that uses visual objects to focus the mind. The Kasina uses sound and light to focus the mind. The  MindPlace Kasina can be used in a similar manner to induce positive mood shifting effects. Get yourself into …2017/08/30Light & Sound Machines, Audio, Biofeedback, Educational, Latest News, Personal Development2017-08-30 09:51:14
Attachment and Enactment: The Therapist’s & Patient’s Multiple Selves in Psychotherapy; by David Wallin PhD, FREE from SoundsTrueSounds True’s free Psychotherapy Masterclass Attachment and Enactment: The Therapist’s & Patient’s Multiple Selves in Psychotherapy, by David Wallin We are excited to continue our ongoing Psychotherapy Masterclass series next week with David Wallin, PhD on Attachment and Enactment: The Therapist’s and Patient’s Multiple Selves in Psychotherapy.  You can register for this …2017/08/24Personal Development, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement, Wellness2017-08-24 10:10:00
The Kasina by Mindplace: A Review by ChangeThatMindA Review of the Mindplace Kasina by Paul at ChangeThatMind.com 10th August  2017 I was fortunate to be offered the opportunity to undertake a review of the Kasina, with Mindplace supplying me with a refurbished machine free to explore.. Priced at $349 U.S., the Kasina system consists of a pair …2017/08/19Light & Sound Machines, Binaural, Educational, Entertainment, Isochronic, Latest News, Meditation, Other Products, Self Improvement, Spiritual2017-08-19 19:27:45
60 second Law of Attraction TestIt’s never been easier to spot (and erase) success blocks from your life. Take this 60 second Law of Attraction Test and find out how. Ever wonder what’s holding you back from the life you really want? You’ll get a free Abundance Reading that reveals how abundant you REALLY are …2017/07/06Wealth Creation, Free, Latest News2017-07-06 09:52:10
Ignore Snoring: Natural Hypnosis  Hypnosis to Ignore Snoring from someone else. Sleep Deeply and Peacefully with Natural Hypnosis. Take a read of Stephanie’s story! Her boyfriend’s snoring was really affecting her sleep pattern but INSTANTLY after using our Ignore Snoring Album she sorted the problem NATURALLY and FAST. I’ve tried numerous techniques and …2017/05/31Hypnosis audio, Latest News, Wellness2017-05-31 11:37:58
Microbiome Medicine Summit 2: HealthTalks OnlineLearn more about your microbiomes, what they are, how they work, and how they support your health, with 33 microbiome experts at the Microbiome Medicine Summit 2. Online and FREE from HealthTalks Online. Your greatest ally in health is your microbiome — the trillions of bacteria that are the control center …2017/05/01Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News2017-05-01 10:06:12
10 Health Benefits of Detoxing: GreenSmoothieGirlWatch Robyn Openshaw (the GreenSmoothieGirl’s) Video; the10 Health Benefits of Detoxing For so many of us, Spring signals the beginning of a diet. We’ve read that calorie suppression and food fads haven’t served us very well, plus we’ve experienced it personally. What if you could achieve the same weight-loss effects …2017/04/29Wellness, Free, Latest News2017-04-29 16:41:19
Inner Balance Trainer: HearthMathWith the Inner Balance Trainer technology from HeartMath, you’ll get an unparalleled window into your emotional wellbeing. Learn to shift and replace stress and anxiety with emotional balance and coherence. New App Features! The Inner Balance app now has a helpful onboarding video and an audio guide that will walk …2017/03/31Neurofeedback, Biofeedback, Latest News, Wellness2017-03-31 09:29:38
The Global Stress Summit: HealthTalks OnlineAt The Global Stress Summit, researchers and thought leaders will teach you about the “new” science of stress, which shows that you can be in control of your experience! Not everyone experiences stress the same, but everyone does feel the pressure that comes from not having enough time, energy or …2017/03/29Wellness, Educational, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement2017-03-29 16:41:15
Recovering from Autoimmune Thyroid Disease: Dr Izabella WentzAccess Dr Izabella Wentz’s 3 free ebooks on recovering from autoimmune thyroid disease, or Hashimoto syndrome, here. You may have read Dr Izabella Wentz’s book, Hashimoto’s: The Root Cause (now a NY Times Bestseller) and are looking for some further guidance with getting your health back. Since the release of …2017/03/23Wellness, Educational, Latest News2017-03-23 08:10:49
Effortlessly Manifest Your Desires FREE with Jafree OzwaldClick Here If You DARE to Become a Super Manifestor Now with Jafree Ozwald’s Super Manifesting Program! Do you want to learn how to manifest your desires faster and easier? Of course you do – we all do. The first thing to know is about the clarity of your intent. …2017/03/16Wealth Creation, Free, Latest News2017-03-16 20:23:24
The Mind Body Code: Dr. Mario Martinez & Dr Deepak ChopraThe Mind Body Code with Dr Mario Martinez and Dr Deepak Chopra.  Available now on www.CuriosityStream.com: Deepak Chopra’s Curious Minds is a brand-new series of intimate dialogues around the science of our universe ..featuring nobel laureates, academics & thought leaders. Paul at ChangeThatMind.com Other Relevant CTM Posts Entheogenesis: spiritual healing …2017/03/14Spiritual, Latest News, News2017-03-14 13:06:00
Conscious Lifestyle magazine: FREE 14 day TrialSubscribe  to a  Free 14-Day Trial of  Conscious Lifestyle Magazine. Conscious Lifestyle believe that you must be the change you wish to see in the world That to change the world the for the better, you must first change yourself for the better. And that this is the key to …2017/03/09Self Improvement, Educational, Entertainment, Free, Latest News, Meditation, Personal Development, Spiritual, Wellness2017-03-09 17:10:45
Healing illness with the subconscious mind: Danna PycherHealing illness with the subconscious mind by Danna Pycher  on TEDX Danna Pycher is a certified Neuro-Linguistic Hypnotherapist specializing in chronic illness and trauma. She is also a motivational speaker and coach. Her first book 3rd Generation and Beyond is a beautiful, powerful book of life philosophies according to a …2017/03/09Wellness, Free, Latest News, News2017-03-09 13:37:12
The Science of Medical IntuitionWelcome to The Science of Medical Intuition training program. A 10-week online training with Caroline Myss and Dr. Norm Shealy to transform your health, your life, and your future. Do you ever stop to consider what your intention is telling you about your health in any moment? Have you ever …2017/02/27Wellness, Educational, Latest News, Self Improvement, Spiritual2017-02-27 19:06:12
The 6-Step Formula to Manifesting Financial Abundance: Sonia RicottiSign up for this Manifesting Financial Abundance free online training; “The 6-Step Simple Formula to Permanently Remove Your Hidden Money Blocks and Quickly Manifest Great Financial Abundance into Your Life!” by Sonia Ricotti. If you’ve been hoping or wishing to somehow manifest great financial abundance into your life (and fast), …2017/01/29Wealth Creation, Educational, Free, Latest News2017-01-29 18:31:00
Bridging the Abundance Gap: Bob Doyle  DOWNLOAD MY COPY NOW of Bob Doyle’s ‘Bridging the Abundance Gap’. Bob Doyle from “The Secret” Needs To Know… Who ELSE Wants To Close the Widening Gap Between Their Life and Dreams? His Free 31 Page Ebook Reveals Little-Known “Scientific” Way To Feel Unstuck, Free Your Mind And Step …2017/01/02Wealth Creation, Free, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement2017-01-02 09:55:22
Living Your Dreams? Take this 60 second quizIs Your Dream Life Closer Than You Think? Take This Quiz to Find Out in Just 60 Seconds how Soon you can be living your dreams. In this eye-opening quiz (based on over 3 million people in 108+ countries), you’ll receive: 1. A FREE custom Dream Life Forecast measuring (and …2017/01/01Free, Latest News, Self Improvement, Wealth Creation2017-01-01 09:50:39
Become a Certified Self-Esteem Coach for Children  Become a Certified Self-Esteem Coach for Children with Dr Joe Rubino, and Learn the Life-Impacting Secrets to Champion Kids to Elevate their Self-Esteem & Live their Best Lives. My name is Dr. Joe Rubino and I can tell you from more than 20 years of personal experience that there …2016/12/24Self Improvement, Audio, Educational, Latest News, Wellness2016-12-24 09:04:08
Mindmovies, Dr Joe Dispenza and the Law of Attraction!Mindmovies, Dr Joe Dispenza and the Law of Attraction, access it all now! WARNING! Dr. Joe Dispenza & Natalie Ledwell say they can Scientifically Prove How to Get the Law of Attraction Working in Your Life RIGHT NOW! (Note that ChangeThatMind is an affiliate of MindMovies and thereby receives a …2016/12/18Wealth Creation, Audio, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Wellness2016-12-18 16:44:57
NLPPower with David SnyderWELCOME TO NLPPOWER Our focus is on helping you develop real world NLP and hypnosis skills that empower you on all levels and automatically lead you to the happiness you have always wanted, learn how to use NLP to make life give YOU what you really want. (Note that ChangeThatMind …2016/11/18NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), Audio, Hypnosis audio, Latest News, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Wealth Creation, Wellness2016-11-18 13:25:27
Healing from Abuse: Inner TalkIn Healing from Abuse with Inner Talk, you will begin to sense a new expression of freedom—for in letting the abuse and all those associated feelings go, that’s exactly what happens—you set yourself free! Free to be yourself, to achieve your highest best and to live life to its fullest. …2016/11/17Self Improvement, Audio, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2016-11-17 13:34:28
Mind Sync 3D: Brainwave Store  Guaranteed Altered States of Consciousness. Get immediate control over 100% of your brain’s activity using 3D Mind Sync Technology with Mind Sync 3D Stunning new technique in brainwave control Get immediate control over 100% of your brains activity using 3D Mind Sync Technology Mind Sync 3D is a new …2016/11/16Wealth Creation, Audio, Binaural, Isochronic, Latest News2016-11-16 17:56:48
Sleep Deeply, Wake Refreshed: Learning StrategiesTo get the most out of your sleep time, download Sleep Deeply, Wake Refreshed with Learning Strategies. Gain rest, healing, creativity, and energy. There’s too much stress in your life, and you don’t get enough sound, restorative sleep. Am I right? Sleep Deeply,Wake Refreshed will help you fall asleep easily, …2016/11/12Paraliminal, Audio, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2016-11-12 23:18:55
Nonviolent Communication: from Sounds TrueSign up for the free Nonviolent Communication Online Training Course from Dr Marshall Rosenberg & Sounds True here. It is not enough to want to communicate more empathetically and compassionately. Nonviolent Communication is a skill. You can train in it and eventually become a master communicator—someone who intuitively knows how …2016/11/02Self Improvement, Audio, Educational, Free, Latest News2016-11-02 10:05:50
Super Manifestor Goldpack: Enlightened Beings  Jafree Ozwald at Enlightened Beings has created a NEW Super Manifesting Product called Super Manifestor Goldpack. It contains; 27 NEW Super Manifesting Videos (which he personally recorded) and 14 Inspirational Interviews with Jafree on MP3 Audio AND 5 Bonus Enlightening Videos!! The best part of ALL is that it’s …2016/09/01Wealth Creation, Latest News, Video2016-09-01 20:34:13
Improve Health Hypnosis Program – Save 70% (Natural Hypnosis)    Natural Hypnosis’ core collection of powerful hypnotherapy called ‘Improve Health Collection’ will bombard your subconscious mind from multiple angles to relieve stress, boost your immune system, reduce your pain and help you to focus your mind on attracting good health into your life!-save 70% And if you are …2016/08/30Wellness, Hypnosis audio, Latest News2016-08-30 13:28:12
Attitude of Gratitude: Affinity AffirmationsDownload your free ‘Attitude of Gratitude’ album now and get on the fast track to success with the Law of Attraction as effortlessly as possible! Having an attitude of gratitude means that you appreciate what you have and that you’re thankful for it, and allows you to emanate exactly that …2016/08/10Wealth Creation, Audio, Latest News, Wellness2016-08-10 09:21:32
12 Day Money Manifesting Abundance Course: Enlightened BeingsThis experience will enlighten your mind AND dramatically increase your financial frequency… A 12 Day Manifesting E-course will turn you into a Money Magnet! This is an experience on finding where your financial limitations and blocks are at and this free course will teach you how to move beyond them …2016/07/30Latest News2016-07-30 18:24:39
June 2016 Hypnosis DownloadsJune 2016 hypnosis topics from Hypnosis Downloads Handling Aggressive Behavior Mindset Stay Calm When Handling Aggressive Behavior is an audio hypnosis session that will help you deal with aggressive, angry people assertively and effectively. As you relax and listen repeatedly to your download, you’ll notice that you: Feel calmer, more confident …2016/06/28Audio, Hypnosis audio, Latest News, Personal Development, Wellness2016-06-28 19:53:09
The Fibro-Fix Summit 2016: GreenMedInfoSave Your Spot Here Now for the Fibro-fix Summit 2016, with 30+ experts discussing why the misdiagnosis & improper treatment of fibromyalgia is rampant! Sign up for free access here or buy the entire summit today (Note that ChangeThatMind is an affiliate of HealthMeans and GreenMedInfo  and thereby receives a …2016/06/14Wellness, Audio, Educational, Free, Latest News2016-06-14 17:22:23
Commit to Being Rich: Natural Hypnosis    Commit to Being Rich. This hypnosis session isn’t just soft and passive. It guides you visually, to making a commitment to being rich. Think about it – have you really committed to going all out, to aiming big and really aiming to earn and attract large amounts of …2016/06/09Wealth Creation, Audio, Hypnosis audio, Latest News2016-06-09 14:02:42
The Neuroscience Training Summit: Sounds TrueHow to Change Your Brain for Better Relationships, Accelerated Learning, and Increased Happiness in the Neuroscience Training Summit. Sign Up Today to Join SoundsTrue’s Groundbreaking Training Event The Neuroscience Training Summit is your chance to learn directly from 20 of the world’s leading experts about their groundbreaking discoveries and, most …2016/05/01Personal Development, Audio, Educational, Free, Latest News, Meditation2016-05-01 11:28:46
‘Contentment’: FREE ChangeThatMind audioContentment, a free subliminal and audible mp3 from ChangeThatMind helping you relax and build acceptance to the things happening in your life that you can’t change right now. Download the free ‘Contentment Audio here or play online below Alternatively you can play and download the subliminal silent version of this …2016/04/20Subliminal audio, Audio, Free, Latest News, Wellness2016-04-20 20:22:05
Your Personal Best, Prosperity Power: Eldon Taylor  Your Personal Best: Prosperity Power collection by Eldon Taylor; their most complete profile for the highest achievers. This Prosperity Power collection consists of 28 powerful programs on 24 CDs. It is valued at over $780 and for years has been offered for $599 and is now at the incredibly low …2016/04/20Wealth Creation, Audio, Latest News2016-04-20 17:07:25
Natural Hypnosis audio collection  Natural Hypnosis’ growing collection of hypnosis audio will have something which will help you to achieve your goals, re-wire your negative patterns of thinking, and perhaps even change your entire life! Browse our full collection below, it is growing every month as we want to offer a solution to …2016/04/14Hypnosis audio, Audio, Free, Latest News, Meditation2016-04-14 17:46:26
Success on Auto-Pilot: Natalie LedwellLaw of Attraction (LOA) expert, Natalie Ledwell is holding a Masterclass to help you ‘Put your Success on Auto-Pilot’. After you secure your seat and join her, you’ll uncover: Why classic personal growth tools like affirmations and visualization fail for 95% of people who use them (and how you can …2016/03/24Wealth Creation, Audio, Free, Latest News, Personal Development2016-03-24 11:18:34
Latest 2016 audios: Hypnosis DownloadsHypnosis Downloads latest hypnosis audios for 2015 & 2016. Choose from over 1250 self-hypnosis mp3 audios in total. We guarantee you will love the way you feel after using one of Hypnosis Downloads’ online self hypnosis audios – or they will give you your money back. You can listen to your …2016/03/23Audio, Hypnosis audio, Latest News2016-03-23 09:25:56
Perfect Confidence audio: ChangeThatMind‘Perfect Confidence’ – ChangeThatMind’s free audio recording to help build your confidence in any situation. This is a free audio confidence building recording . Or download your free ‘Perfect Confidence’ Building audible audio download here Note: This is a WAV file, which results in better outcomes than a compressed MP3 …2016/03/21Audio, Free, Latest News, Personal Development2016-03-21 16:58:09
Free Yourself From Your Past In 30 Seconds: MindMoviesIs your past STILL haunting you? Try this 30-second quiz from Mindmovies and have your number 1 freedom blocker revealed! Did you know that back in your childhood, the things your parents, friends and mentors told you… Showed you… And did to you… Are quietly controlling your thoughts, actions and …2016/03/21Personal Development, Free, Latest News, Self Improvement2016-03-21 11:09:12
Muse: the Brain Sensing HeadbandWhy Meditate With Muse? Muse is the first tool in the world that gives you accurate, real-time feedback on what’s happening in your brain when you meditate. Improve your meditation practice in as little as 3 minutes a day – any time, anywhere. Personalized tracking, motivational challenges and rewards encourage …2016/02/05Biofeedback, Light & Sound Machines, Meditation, Neurofeedback, News2016-02-05 13:14:05
Sleep Like a Baby!: Neuro-visionSleep Like a Baby from Neuro-vision. No Pills, No Risky Treatments, Just Sound and Restful Sleep Thanks to this revolutionary insomnia treatment, insomniacs now have the ability to sleep soundly at will, enjoy a full night’s rest, and wake up in the morning completely revitalized! Insomnia Hypnosis Program Review By …2016/01/27Hypnosis audio, Audio, Latest News, NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)2016-01-27 17:11:07
Subliminal Guru superstore  Discover 350 powerful subliminal MP3 downloads! All hand-created by qualified professionals. Guaranteed results – or your money back. Subliminal Guru is a subliminal MP3 superstore. We have over 350 subliminal albums for instant MP3 download, covering everything from confidence to weight loss to abundance. We can even help you create …2016/01/08Subliminal audio, Audio, Free, Latest News2016-01-08 08:33:05
The Guided Meditation SiteThe Guided Meditation Site is a place for lovers of meditation, relaxation, personal development and spiritual growth. It’s also a great resource for people who are new to meditation and who are looking for ways to rid themselves of stress and live happier, healthier, more peaceful lives. If you are …2016/01/02Meditation, Audio, News2016-01-02 12:31:36
NEURODREAMER SLEEP MASKNeuroDreamer is a comfortable sleep mask that is very simple to use. It has been helping lots of people.  We don’t always get the rest we want and need in our busy lives. NeuroDreamer sleep mask may be able to help you or someone you know.  With beautiful sounds and …2015/11/23Biofeedback, Latest News, Wellness2015-11-23 12:39:59
Hemi-Sync: Brain Stimulating Sound TechnologyHemi-Sync: Unleash Your Potential with their Brain Stimulating CDs or MP3s . Hemi-Sync.com® is home to the largest online collection of content to help you relax, focus, meditate, sleep and lead a more vibrant life. Robert A. Monroe, founder of Hemi-Sync®, is internationally known for his work with audio sound patterns …2015/08/26Binaural, Audio, News, Subliminal audio2015-08-26 18:24:28
Subliminal360 – Five Free Brain Hacker mp3s!Reprogram your mind using your computer Get 5 x FREE Brain Hacker MP3s PLUS try out Subliminal360! Change how you think and act: Confidence. Weight Loss. Focus. Wealth. Happiness! We’ll show you how to use subliminals on your PC, with our powerful software. Signup NOW  to claim 5 x Brain …2015/08/22Audio, Latest News, Subliminal audio, Subliminal Software2015-08-22 15:44:50
Kenji Kumara – Awakening and Self-empowered Healing  Kenji Kumara – Quantum Lightweaving® is sharing the joy of awakening with the world Kenji Kumara is recognized world-wide as a spiritual catalyst and is the creator of Quantum Lightweaving® and Asheville Sacred Hikes. Through experience and a life long journey in search of spiritual wisdom, Kenji Kumara has a …2015/08/21Audio, Latest News, Meditation, Personal Development, Subliminal audio, Wellness2015-08-21 22:53:48
GuidedMind – Passionate about Meditation      Welcome to Guided Mind – The world’s premier resource for high quality guided meditation audio CDs and MP3s Guided meditation is when you are guided, by a narrator, to elicit a specific change in your life. You are first guided to relax your body and mind, to …2015/03/01Audio, Meditation, News2015-03-01 19:29:26
Free CTM Total Relaxation subliminal audiosTOTAL RELAXATION The following subliminal message has been recorded by CTM to help you build towards an ongoing state of relaxation. I am becoming more and more relaxed as I listen to these words. My body and mind respond more and more strongly to these words each time I listen …2015/01/12Subliminal audio, Audio, Latest News2015-01-12 08:58:26
Gastric Band Natural Hypnosis Sessions now 50% offGastric Band Natural Hypnosis – This isn’t just any weight loss hypnosis session Anyone who has successfully lost weight and kept it off for any length of time will tell you that the mind plays a much more important role than the body when it comes to shedding weight and keeping …2015/01/02Audio, Hypnosis audio, Latest News2015-01-02 13:50:24
Subliminal360 – Boost Positive Thinking  Subliminal360 uses the power of subliminals to help program yourself for success Uncover the software that changes your life, while you use your computer. Science has proven that subliminal messages can help you change any area of your life. It has long been known that changing a person’s behavior …2014/11/13Audio Software, News2014-11-13 18:00:06
Subliminal Recording System X2 – Easy and Convenient!Try the Subliminal Recording System X2, a powerful subliminal message audio recording software Make positive mental changes easy and fast! Make your own subliminal audio using this complete step by step subliminal message recording system. This Subliminal Message Software makes recording subliminal messages easy. There are step by step instructions …2014/11/05Audio, Audio Software, Entrainment audio, Hypnosis audio, Latest News, Subliminal audio2014-11-05 11:13:14
MindPlace – Zen-like Mindfulness and Inner Peace (since 1988)MindPlace – Meditation tranquility and profound states of focus and calm Light and Sound Technology makes the experience of Zen-like mindfulness and inner peace possible, and can break habitual undesired states like anger and restlessness. Like a spiritual retreat, from the first moment you ‘plug-in’, you’ll synchronize your consciousness to …2014/10/27Biofeedback, News2014-10-27 17:57:26
The Pain Authority – Providing Chronic Pain Management & ReliefThe Pain Authority offers biofeedback technology to treat muscle and joint injuries Suffering from an injury is a hassle. Besides the fact that you are in pain, you have to cease all of your activities while you are recuperating. After that, you have to train yourself once more to regain your …2014/10/27Biofeedback, Latest News2014-10-27 13:15:09
Mind Movies – Get Empowered to Reach your Goals                          Are you struggling to get the Law of Attraction to work for you? Are you tired of boring visualization tools that don’t work? Mind Movies contains a library of the MOST POWERFUL visualization videos ever created! Each …2014/10/21Latest News, Subliminal Video, Video2014-10-21 07:53:15
Welcome to ChangeThatMind!ChangeThatMind is dedicated to providing you with information and links to the best personal development resources that can help your mind create a better reality for you.  Click on  the images below, the categories to the left, or go to  the ‘Latest News’  tab, to take you to  the relevant …2014/01/21Audio, Audio Software, Entrainment audio, Holosync, Hypnosis audio, Isochronic, Meditation, News, NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), Paraliminal, Personal Development, Subliminal audio, Subliminal Video, Video2014-01-21 19:49:17
Hypnobusters – The best helpful audios to move forward and improve your life!Make MASSIVE positive changes with Hypnobusters huge selection of therapeutic MP3s. Imagine finally being the person you really want to be. Getting rid of those tiresome old limiting habits and exchanging them for exciting new ones. Hypnobusters is the creation of clinical hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes. As well as being a …2014/01/21Audio, Hypnosis audio, News2014-01-21 19:48:49
Natural Hypnosis – Powerful Hypnosis to Change your Mind          With Natural Hypnosis you can make powerful changes to your life within just a few minutes! Hypnosis doesn’t have to be complicated, or mysterious. It is a natural state of mind which everyone can experience and receive amazing, lasting benefits from. Simple yet powerful audio …2014/01/21Audio, Hypnosis audio, News2014-01-21 19:48:35
Sprudio Subliminals – Powerful Positive Subliminal Messages for Self ImprovementSave time with Sprudio Subliminals most powerful life changing subliminal CDs and MP3s Different than ordinary audio sold on today’s market, you will receive fast and effective results. You can lose weight, improve your metabolism and digestion, and overcome emotional eating. Find your inner strength, let go of the past, …2014/01/21Subliminal audio, Audio, Latest News, Self Improvement2014-01-21 18:18:50
Subliminal Guru – powerful subliminal MP3sSubliminal Guru is one of the largest subliminal superstores in the world As such, they’re able to offer you the greatest sessions at the best possible prices. There are over 350 subliminal albums for instant MP3 download, covering everything from confidence to weight loss to abundance. They can even help …2014/01/21Subliminal audio, Audio, Latest News, NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), Personal Development2014-01-21 18:01:07
Brain Evolution System – Experience Profound Life Change    Uncover the PROFOUND benefits of the Brain Evolution System! Sit back and slip on your headphones. Then let this POWERFUL brainwave system work its magic! Want to learn more about how it can benefit you? Just take time to explore and discover about this powerful technology. Download Your FREE Relaxation …2014/01/21Meditation, Audio, Entrainment audio, Latest News2014-01-21 17:43:27
Real Subliminal – Targeted subliminal messages to improve your life            Would you like to NATURALLY stimulate your mind to gain an advantage in achieving your goals? Real Subliminal MP3s and CDs will directly penetrate your unconscious mind. A subliminal message is any piece of information which is sent beyond the limit of human perception. …2014/01/21Subliminal audio, Audio, Latest News2014-01-21 12:37:38
InnerTalk – effective subliminals changing lives since 1984 (Eldon Taylor)            InnerTalk has been improving lives since 1984! It is a patented subliminal self-help technology that has been researched by numerous independent universities and institutions and demonstrated effective. Is there something in your life you wish to change, some aspect of yourself that you wish …2014/01/21Subliminal audio, Audio, Hypnosis audio, Latest News, News, Self Improvement, Wellness2014-01-21 11:40:58
3 Free Subliminal MP3 AlbumsJoin Subliminal MP3s newsletter and receive amazing, exclusive, benefits: 3 Premium Subliminal Downloads Worth $44.91 Week 1 – Find Harmony: Experience both your body and mind relaxing, and a physical and mental sense of harmony as your worries and stresses melt away. Week 2 – Stay Alert: Use this powerful album to …2014/01/21Audio, News, Subliminal audio2014-01-21 01:56:29

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