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Free CTM Total Relaxation subliminal audios



The following subliminal message has been recorded by CTM to help you build towards an ongoing state of relaxation.

I am becoming more and more relaxed as I listen to these words.
My body and mind respond more and more strongly to these words each time I listen to these words.

I now have the capacity to change my life in any way I choose, simply by changing the way I think and then act.
I am becoming more and more aware of the little things around me.

Everything fills me with delight and joy.
I am more and more aware of my body and all its sensations.

I focus more and more on the here and now effortlessly.
I feel the simple joy of being alive and aware.

I accept more and more the way other people behave in their lives.
I understand more and more that each person does the best they can with the information they have.

I feel the joy of giving to others.
I do the best I can to make the world a better place.

I accept the joy pain and sadness of this world.
I find the best way for me to practice mindfulness.

I practice mindfulness everyday.
I am becoming more serene and at ease every day.

Hear (right click and save) the recorded voice of the message below (wav format for best quality).

Hear (right click and save) the subliminal (silent) recorded message below (wav format for best  quality).

For best effect, loop (repeat) the message so that it plays continuously for an hour each day.

Hear (right click and save) the subliminal (silent) recorded message overlaid with the sounds of a stream and birds below the image (wav format for best  quality).

Flying birds over river - Photo by Drazen Nesic on Pixnio











For best effect, loop (repeat) the message so that it plays continuously for an hour each day.

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