Parkinson's Solutions Summit

The Parkinson’s Solutions Summit

Parkinson's Solutions Summit


Kenneth Sharlin, MD, and Sandra Scheinbaum, PhD. are here to send a message of hope that could make a difference in your journey with Parkinson’s at their Parkinson’s Solutions Summit.

Parkinson’s is filled with moments of frustration and uncertainty.

It often makes you question what the future holds.

“Will I still be able to walk and move freely?”

“Will I still be able to talk clearly?”

“Will I still be able to spend quality time with my family?”

Imagine a world where your symptoms don’t dictate your life.

A world where you spend your time with the people you love rather than on countless visits to the doctor.

That world doesn’t have to be a distant reality.

Because no matter what stage you are on your journey, you can regain control of your life.

It’s never too late to get back in the driver’s seat.

You just need the right solution to pave the way to a thriving life in spite of Parkinson’s.

Solutions that blend conventional neurology with lifestyle medicine and systems biology to change the trajectory of your health.

Solutions that are so new, they’re changing the world as we know it.

So take that first step toward empowerment today by joining me at The Parkinson’s Solutions Summit.


The Parkinson's Solutions Summit

This online summit is for patients, caregivers, advocates, and healthcare professionals seeking real solutions to see a real difference.

Two functional neurology and psychology trailblazers will be hosting the summit: Kenneth Sharlin, MD, and Sandra Scheinbaum, PhD. Together, they’ll interview dozens of the world’s leading experts in various fields to help you find real solutions.

☑️ Expert Insights

Discover innovative approaches to managing both motor and non-motor symptoms.

☑️ Community Support

Connect with a supportive community that understands your unique challenges.

☑️ Easy Access

Enjoy the flexibility to access the summit sessions from the comfort of your home using your favorite device.

The Parkinson’s Solutions Summit is more than a collection of expert talks. It’s a lifeline of hope, empowerment, and a brighter tomorrow. It aims to equip you with the tools you need to take an active role in managing your condition.

You’d be hard-pressed to find the knowledge and tools at this event elsewhere, let alone in one place.

So join Kenneth Sharlin, MD, and Sandra Scheinbaum, PhD in regaining control of your life.

Because you do have the strength to thrive in life, and they’re there to walk this path with you.

To your health,

Paul at

(Note that ChangeThatMind is an affiliate of Dr Talks, and thereby receives a payment on any of their products sold through this website)

P.S. Please share this email with anyone you know who’s going through the same struggles. Together, we can create a supportive community that helps individuals find real solutions to see a real difference.

Register for the summit hereIt’s completely free.

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