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Listen  and/or download for free,  these audible or silent subliminal  tracks from  ChangeThatMind.

Free audios for download  include:  A Sleep Inducing hypnosis audio  (audible and silent versions), a Confidence Building audio, a Relaxation audio, and a silent “Living in  the Moment” hypnosis audio.


Listen online or Download the latest sleep inducing audio FREE from ChangeThatMind

Download either or both of the two Sleep mp3 here.

Download or listen online above to  this audible version of the  sleep inducing hypnosis audio FREE  from ChangethatMind


“Perfect Confidence” – A ChangeThatMind free recording to  help  build your confidence in  any situation

This is a free  audio confidence building  recording .

Or download your  free ‘Perfect Confidence’ Building audible audio download here

Note: This is a WAV file, which  results in  better outcomes  than a compressed  MP3 file.

We suggest you loop this recording so  that it lasts for about 20 minutes and repeat  twice a day.

Do not use while driving or in other circumstances where you need your full conscious concentration!


“Perfect Relaxation” Free Hypnosis Recording

This is a free  audible relaxation hypnosis recording  with  NLP components.

Note: This is a WAV file, which  results in  better outcomes  than a compressed  MP3 file.

We suggest you loop this recording so  that it lasts for about 20 minutes and repeat  twice a day.

Do not use while driving or in other circumstances where you need your full conscious concentration!

Play “Perfect  Relaxation”  here online

Or  download via our podcast  here  at


The words in the following  audios have been recorded in such a way as to make them inaudible to most people. However some people with high auditory ranges may be able to hear some of the sound. For greatest impact on your mind, please ensure the volume is set at low to medium level. Turning the volume up high could damage your hearing, even though you may not be able to hear the sounds.  Playing the recording on  a PC audioplayer such  as Audacity will  allow you to see that this is not just a recording empty of messages – which  is sometimes the case out there!

Ensure your audio player is set to ‘loop’ or ‘repeat’, so that the messages can be repeated over and over for as long as you wish.

If you would like a custom made subliminal crafted by  CTM, please contact Most custom made subliminal  audios can be  purchased for approximately $20 U.S.

To  download the audio and subliminal  ‘contentment’ audios, please sign  for Changethatmind’s new posts here


Much stress and its associated lack of physical and mental wellbeing, is directly related to human beings’ capacity to think about their past and future while living in the present.

Increasing our capacity to be focused on the “here and now” and its joys, is one key way to improve our wellbeing in a sustainable way. This silent subliminal audio has been developed to assist you to increase your natural ability to remain focused on the here and now and reduce your mind’s capacity to wander to thoughts of the past and present over which you have little control.

This free audio has been produced in ‘wav’ format to   ensure the full subtleties of the audio recording are not reduced through compression, such as with an mp3.

Download the Change That Mind Silent subliminal  relaxation audio here (woman’s voice)

Right click  to  “save as” or left click  to play online


My thoughts are calm and quiet
I notice my breathing continuously for long periods of time
I notice everything around me clearer and sharper
I notice the tiniest detail of things around me
I feel peaceful and relaxed
I am content with where I am right now
The world is a beautiful place
I feel happy and content with the world
I feel more energized
I see the beauty in everything
I accept everything as it is
I know that everything is exactly as it should be
I see the beauty in every person around me
I notice my breathing continuously for long periods of time
I have a smile on my face
Things around me just happen the way they should
People are kind loving and respectful to me
I am entirely content with who I am

Download the free Change That Mind Silent subliminal relaxation audio here (woman’s voice)

Right click  to  “save as” or left click  to play online

free download buttonDownload the free Change That Mind subliminal with nature sounds stream and birds) relaxation audio here (woman’s voice)   Right click  to  “save as” or left click  to play online

free download button(Nature Sounds courtesy  of “The Sounds of Nature Collection  at  the  Internet  Archive under the Creative Commons license)


Being at  peace with the world is one of the most sublime experiences. Accepting the world as it is, and not having the need to  defend yourself against  every apparent aggressive action from others, allows you to experience the world as it is. The following silent subliminal  is designed to allow you into  that natural  and effortless  state of peace and acceptance.



I feel calm and relaxed
I do not feel threatened by other people and situations
I respond calmly and carefully to stressful situations
I safely avoid dangerous and violent people
I am skilful in de-escalating difficult situations
I never need to use my physical or emotional powers to control the situation
I maintain my integrity wherever I am
I am confident in unfamiliar environments
I am cautious and calm in unfamiliar environments
I see the beauty in every person around me
The world is a beautiful place
I feel happy and content with the world as it is
I am content with where I am right now
I give care and support to those who are more vulnerable than myself
Every day I help create a better safer and kinder world for all those around me
I get huge pleasure from helping others become happier and more peaceful beings
My life is worthwhile and peaceful
I respect and care for the world and all its living things
I feel deeply peaceful and at ease
Life is good and as it should be

Download the free Change That Mind Silent subliminal “being at  peace” audio here (woman’s voice)



The following  subliminal  has been recorded by CTM to  help  you build towards an ongoing state of relaxation.

I am becoming more and more relaxed as I listen to these words.
My body and mind respond more and more strongly to these words each time I listen to these words.
I now have the capacity to change my life in any way I choose, simply by changing the way I think and then act.
I am becoming more and more aware of the little things around me.
Everything fills me with delight and joy.
I am more and more aware of my body and all its sensations.
I focus more and more on the here and now effortlessly.
I feel the simple joy of being alive and aware
I accept more and more the way other people behave in their lives.
I understand more and more that each person does the best they can with the information they have.
I feel the joy of giving to others
I do the best I can to make the world a better place
I accept the joy pain and sadness of this world
I find the best way for me to practice mindfulness
I practice mindfulness everyday
I am becoming more serene and at ease every day

Hear ( right click  and save) the  recorded voice of these messages below (wav)


Hear ( right click  and save) the  subliminal (silent) (wav) recorded messages  below

For best effect, loop ( repeat) the message so  that it plays  continuously for an hour each  day


Hear ( right click  and save) the  subliminal (silent) (wav) recorded messages over-layed with  the sounds of a stream and birds  below



Releasing Anxiety Audio

Free CTM  audio downloads on  anxiety in voice format. with nature sounds and silent subliminal,  can be found here 


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