Waking Up in the World
Waking Up in the World

Waking Up in the World: Sounds True

Waking Up in the World - Sounds True
Waking Up in the World – Sounds True

Sounds True’s Waking Up in the World online event is a gathering of 30 of today’s most inspiring spiritual teachers and social visionaries—offering their most powerful practices to help us navigate these times with courage, purpose, and love.

Sounds True exists to help people spiritually awaken—to know ourselves as the flow and expression of life.
If that awakening leads to any type of turning away or ignoring of the challenges of our time, that is a type of “spiritual bypassing,” a phrase coined by psychologist John Welwood to describe how people use spirituality to avoid challenges to our personal development.
Now more than ever, people of conscience are being called to grow and develop, to bring forward our voices and our gifts to solve our very real social problems.

Join us for the Waking Up in the World online event.

You can join Sounds True or this 10-day event to grow your capacity and skill to contribute to the healing of our world, including:

    • Eve Ensler reveals what it takes to launch a successful movement
    • Van Jones explores how to collaborate with people who have very different views
    • Glennon Doyle shares her guidance for restoring our energy and hope
    • Eckhart Tolle helps us act from the still point of Presence
    • Joanna Macy, PhD, turns us towards our broken-heartedness to mobilize action
    • Marianne Williamson shows us that we can bring love and decency into politics
    • Prince Ea encourages us to be balanced and free in an uncertain world
    • Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD, calls upon us to preserve our “heritage seeds”
    • Compelling presentations from Caroline Myss, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Jack Kornfield, Parker Palmer, Jill Bolte-Taylor, Tara Brach, LaDonna Brave Bull Allard, and many more

I truly believe that it is a privilege to be living in these times—not in spite of all the disruption and heartache, but because the challenges we face call us to tap our deepest creativity and inner resources to be of service to each other and future generations.

I hope you’ll join Sounds True for this landmark event to help us manifest a kinder and wiser world.

With gratitude to be with you on the journey,
Tami Simon 
Founder, Sounds True
P.S. Waking Up in the World was created to support the new Sounds True Foundation and its initial focus to fund scholarships to train a new generation of mindfulness teachers. You can find out more when you sign up for this event.
(Note that ChangeThatMind is an affiliate of Sounds True and thereby receives a payment on any of their products sold through this website)

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