Women Centered Coaching

Women Centered Coaching

Develop your women centered coaching skills and style to better meet  the needs of your female clients, with Dr Claire Zammit at her ‘The Future is Female” free webinar.

Right now in 2024, we know a few things to be true:

  1. The U.S. coaching industry is booming, and expected to keep growing at a compound rate of 7.6% per year, for a value of $27.5 BILLION by 2026, according to Forbes. 
  2. 70% of the clients in the coaching industry are now WOMEN…
  3. But most coaches are trained in a coaching method that was created BY men, FOR men 
  4. The guiding principles informing most coaching have their roots in the corporate landscape of the 1970’s and 1980’s.
  5. We are not in that world anymore. 

So where does that leave you as a coach, and your female clients? 

Desperately in need of a different approach!

And not just when it comes to coaching women. We also need to shift our outlook toward how we market, sell, and price our services as well to women, who  often buy in radically different ways.

Join the The Woman-Centered Coaching Symposium. 

Dr. Claire Zammit—the world’s leading authority on coaching women–gathered a select group of coaches, leaders, and experts to share key insights about what needs to be DONE DIFFERENTLY to get EXTRAORDINARY results when working with female clients as well as building highly successful woman-centered coaching businesses. 

Sign up and save your spot for free here

  • Women Centered CoachingHere’s what they’ll cover:

    Getting Extraordinary Results with Women:
    Dr. Ellyn Bader – The Relationship Success Toolkit
    Joan Borysenko – Guiding Women To Heal Emotionally
    Marci Shimoff – The Authentic Success Formula
    Fleet Maull – The Power of Radical Responsibility
  • Breaking Through Your Own Barriers as a Coach:

Mary Morrissey – Build Your “Inner Reserve” of Confidence As a Coach
Lisa Nichols – 3 Keys to Creating the Life You Desire
Dr. Sue Morter – Aligning Ambition & Success with Spiritual Awakening
Natalie Ledwell – Expanding VISION & Self-Belief Of What’s Possible
Marianne Williamson – Women Leading the Future

Creating A Thriving Coaching Business:
Christian Mickelsen – 3 Steps to Confidently Get Clients

Eben Pagan – Thriving In Uncertainty As A Coach

Rob Goyette – How to Make An Irresistible Invitation to Women

Dr. Jean Houston – Why Women Will Create the New Way Forward

Sage Lavine – Creating A Coaching Business You Love

Reserve your spot today, at no cost!

Developing specialized coaching skills that drive breakthrough results for women is not only wise for every coach… it’s imperative!

This is the beginning of a new chapter in coaching, [INSERT]

Let’s elevate the conversation and make an impact together.

Paul  at  ChangeThatmind.com

(Note that ChangeThatMind is an affiliate of Evolving Wisdom, and thereby receives a payment on any of their products sold through this website)

P.S: And as a Registration BONUS, Claire created the Woman-Centered Coaching Success Pack which will be instantly available for you to start applying many of these game-changing principles to your practice right away:

  • “The One Key Shift: How to Unlock Deeper Results In Your Work With Women” 
  • “How to Charge More & Feel Good About It”
  • “Coaching Women: The Rapid Results Breakthrough Formula”

Reserve your spot now and get INSTANT ACCESS to your Woman-Centered Coaching Success Pack Registration BONUS

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