The Manifestation Mindfest

The Manifestation Mindfest

Use the “forgotten” energetic components of the universe to manifest in any area of your life at  the ‘Manifestation Mindfest’!

Everything that exists—every rock, plant, animal, and person—has an energetic blueprint. You do, too.

You can only create or bring into your life what matches YOUR energetic blueprint.

Just as when building a house, you get only what is in the blueprints. Your life is created from your energetic blueprint that is you, not from anything outside of you.

So,now you have access to  this  FREE access to a course that shows you exactly how to do it. It will walk you through every step of the way.

You will get the techniques and tools to change yourself on an energetic level.

As YOU transform, the environment automatically transforms, making you stronger and more effective because you’re never wasting your time and energy moving against natural forces.

Instead, everything in your life will flow with more ease, and you begin manifesting your intentions and goals almost effortlessly.

How? By working with the 4 elements: Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. These are the building blocks of the universe, and they can be used to create or manifest into physical form what’s in your energetic blueprint.

This will work for what is presently lacking in your life as well as for what you would like to create.

You will be using the four elements to bridge the gap from the nonphysical—the energetic—to the physical. This is manifestation. This is Four Elements Manifestation. And you get to use the course in the Manifestation Mindfest.

Get your Free Pass here.

These elements have physical properties as well as energetic ones, and each is an aspect of infinite intelligence, also known as vital energy or spirit, space or quintessence, God or Akasha, the universe.

The Manifestation MindfestThe more balanced the four elements are within you, the greater your access to this vital force to make your life better in every way.

Understanding this ancient wisdom can fundamentally shift your perception and shape your experience in ways that help you achieve your goals. That’s what you get in the Manifestation Mindfest. 

Not only material wants such as a new car, computer, or home, but a better relationship or a new one, a healthier body or mind, success in your business or career, fulfillment of a creative desire, or the ability to access at will the connection with spirit every human being longs for.

As you use the Manifestation Mindfest techniques, you’ll begin creating what we call “magical momentum.”

You’ll start to see your results almost magically appear, and the more you apply these techniques, the faster they’ll transpire.

Get your Free Pass right now to the Manifestation Mindfest.

Click Here for Your Free Pass

Imagine achieving every goal you set. It is within your power to do so.

I hope this resonates with you-  so much  so that you make the change.

Paul  at

(Note that ChangeThatMind is an affiliate of Learning Strategies, and thereby receives a payment on any of their products sold through this website)

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