Join Lloyd Burrell & explore the science and secrets of the mind-body connection. Learn how to inspire your body’s innate capacity for healing in his ‘The Science of Healing & Consciousness Masterclass’.
What if you could harness the power of CONSCIOUSNESS to ELEVATE your physical health and emotional well-being?

At this empowering event, you’ll discover:
- Where to start when you are facing health challenges
- Why you ALWAYS have a choice, even if it feels like your world is collapsing
- How to invoke the intelligence of self-healing & access resilience
- What you can do to optimize sleep, increase energy, decrease stress & anxiety, resolve trauma & more
- How to integrate these powerful skills & techniques into your life & practice
- And more!
—>>Inspire your body’s innate capacity for healing when you attend this complimentary, online event!
Be sure to mark your calendar for January 16-22, 2023!
Why attend this important health event?
Your host, Lloyd Burrell, a global leader in man-made EMF mitigation and vibrational healing, became a health advocate after years of struggling with frequency sickness. Thankfully, with a lot of dedication and investigation, he found a way to heal himself.
This journey with non-native forms of EMFs fueled his desire to explore a fundamental, yet often overlooked and misunderstood issue: energy and vibration and how it affects humanity and all life on our planet. This has motivated him to share hundreds of powerful, but little-known healing strategies.
He’s here to introduce you to the world’s leading experts on the SCIENCE of healing and consciousness, with the hope that this event can become your gateway to vibrant health, clarity and an overall sense of purpose.
Yes, you truly have the means to get started on better health today!
Register now for The Science of Healing and Consciousness Masterclass!
Paul at
(Note that ChangeThatMind is an affiliate of Healthmeans
P.S. When you register for The Science of Healing and Consciousness Masterclass, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!
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