A cleansing option for Acne Rosacea

Having personally experienced the impacts of acne rosacea on my life,  I have tried many chemical  and  natural options over the years to get rid of it.

I stumbled upon (and invented) this simple little natural process by accident some years ago-and so  far my acne rosacea has not returned…

I am not claiming this as a cure; that would be too ambitious, but it has so far, worked for me.

The Ingredients:

beeswaxandborax7 grams of borax (also  known  as sodium borate or sodium tetraborate hexahydrate) . Don’t buy borax  as a cleaner unless you are 100% sure that  it has no  additives. Borax  is a naturally  occurring chemical and can be toxic at  high levels ( as comparatively toxic as salt) and can be a skin  irritant, so do  not over do  the borax!. The borax has two  functions in this; one is to act as an emulsifier to  allow the wax to  mix with  other liquids, and secondly, to use borax’s properties as an anti-microbial (particularly against demodex mites who  have been implicated in  acne rosacea  inflammations ), and as an anti-fungicidal agent

30 odd grams of natural  pure beeswax; ideally from an organic farm  that doesn’t use sprays etc. The beeswax is a skin protectant, anti-irritant and anti-inflammatory.

100mls or 3.4 fluid ounces of as natural a moisturising cream as you can buy from the supermarket  or order online. Ideally it should be plant based and contain no chemicals, preservatives or other additives. In addition, adding a small  amount of turmeric essential oil to the mix can be helpful -but test  it out on your skin first for any reaction.

The Process:

Break  up  the beeswax into as small  pieces as you can  manage. A kitchen grater may  work or simply carefully slicing the  beeswax ( its usually hard and brittle) into  tiny pieces. You  want the wax to  be able to melt as evenly and quickly as possible so  that you don’t destroy it’s natural  properties too  much  with the heating. Heat the beeswax gently ; either in a microwave ( try  it minute by  minute) or  in a pan that you can  easily clean afterwards on a stove; but watch  it!. If left unattended, hot beeswax can  over-heat and may  burst  into flame.

The minute all  the wax is melted,  take the pan carefully off the stove and sprinkle on and stir in, your 7 grams (about a dessertspoonful) of borax with a wooden spatula. It can be tricky to  get  all  the wax to completely emulsify – you may  need to  do  some experimentation to get the proportion of your particular beeswax to borax exactly right. That doesn’t really matter, except that your finished product  might have tiny lumps of beeswax in it which may  clog its container opening over time. (if that happens, you can cut cut off a little piece of clothes hanger wire ( its an ideal  diameter usually) as a plunger to  unclog the moisturizer container)

After the borax is well  stirred in, then its time to  gently pour and stir in  your natural  moisturizer a little at a time till  you have the consistency  the way you want it.

You may want to add some natural  oils if that’s your thing…Real  New Zealand manuka  essential oil can also be helpful to  reduce inflammation; but don’t overdo  it!

And that’s it!

Pour it into  our container of choice (depending on the consistency you chose)

Rub a small amount of it it lightly into  your skin where the rosacea has effected it, morning and night.

I’ll  be keen to hear your feedback

Paul at  ChangeThatMind

© ChangeThatMind. Not for commercial use.



The rosacea can re-emerge at various times because of stress or ill-health. Try New Zealand  Manuka Essentail Oil  on the small spots where it emerges. Do not use manuka essential oil on  areas where there is high inflammation as this can further inflame the skin significantly

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