Get GreenMedInfo’s amazing, 287-page report, Science of Longevity, and learn what science says about why we age and what we can do to pull back the reins on Father Time! FREE when you register for Sayer Ji from GreenMedInfo’s ‘Regenerate Yourself Masterclass’.
Download the 287-page Science of Longevity report now!
How would you feel if you could extend your life by 10 years? What about 20 or even 30? What if you were not only able to extend your lifespan, but also your healthspan (the years you spend disease and disability-free)?
Today, scientists around the globe are investigating what it takes to do just that, and they are closer than ever before. Answers may arrive just in the nick of time because the “Silver Tsunami” is coming — a groundswell of older individuals who will be retiring and facing a variety of health and socioeconomic challenges, for themselves and for society as a whole.
America’s population is aging. Estimates are that by 2050, 20% will be over age 65, compared to 15% today. The American lifespan is approaching 80 years, for men it’s 76 and form women 81. In 1950, life expectancy had people living eight years after retirement, but now retirement lasts nearly 20 years!
Discover how to pull back the reins on Father Time with this Science of Longevity special report.
Gain INSTANT ACCESS to the 287-page Science of Longevity report now!
Plus, when you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for The Regenerate Yourself Masterclass taking place from February 24 – March 1, 2020 — teaching you ways to personalize your diet, lifestyle, and fitness practices to radically renew and rejuvenate your entire life!
You can truly get started on better health today!
Paul at
(note that ChangeThatMind is an affiliate of HealthTalksOnline)
P.S. Don’t miss this incredible report from GreenMedInfo, when you click here to unlock it today!
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