Brain.FM Entrainment Music contains patterns that shift your brain state with entrainment. Their music sounds different—and affects you differently from any other music. Sign up now!’s focus music is made to… contains patterns that shift your brain state with entrainment. Their music sounds different—and affects you differently from any other music. Sign up now!’s focus music is made to…
Learn in this step-by-step guide, how to create subliminal audio messages with background music, along with some resources and tools you can use. Subliminal messages are typically audio or visual…
14 Meditation Techniques to choose from to begin your journey towards peace, calmness, acceptance and serenity. Meditation is a diverse and ancient practice that encompasses a wide range of techniques,…
Demystify the Connection Between Your Intuition & Channeling with Helane Wahbeh ND, and generate more ease and flow in your life. You might know someone who “channels.” Perhaps you feel…
Get Dr. Felice Gersh's Thyroid SOS: Optimizing Thyroid Health in Women. A guide to the hidden signs, hormonal insights and healing strategies for women's Thyroid Disease The exhaustion that won’t…
Learn how to Develop Telepathic Connections to Understand, Heal & Live in Deeper Harmony With Animals & Nature, along with Penelope Smith Everyone has the ability to communicate with animals…
Download your free Fasting Transformation Quickstart Guide by David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS., and learn about the incredible benefits like delayed aging, weight support, and even improved brain health. How…
Grab Marci Shimoff, Dr. Sue Morter and Lisa Nichols' free new Ebook “Manifest A Life of Miracles: 4 Steps to Living in the Miracle Zone” Now! Grab your free copy…
Join Jonathan Otto's webinar on Red Light Therapy and learn about how skin conditions like Acne Roseacea can be greatly improved and cured. It’s disheartening to know that more than…
In 'Unlocking Longevity: The Power of the Fasting Mimicking Diet' by Joseph Antoun, you'll discover the path to a healthier, longer life Imagine waking up each morning full of energy—no…
MindZoom has just released its new and greatly improved subliminal software version Mindzoom 3.2. You can get it here Mindzoom's new version features a new cool feature called "Whisper…
Learn about the latest cutting -edge detox and healing methods with Jonathan Otto in his 'Disease in Reverse' Summit. Dr. Bryan Ardis, one of America’s finest medical research experts and…
Releasing Anxiety through Positive Framing- a free CTM recording for download. This recording come in 4 formats: the written words, the spoken words, the spoken words with a nature background…
The Depression and Anxiety Solutions Summit is here to help you take back control with expert advice and practical tools. Join them to understand your anxiety and discover strategies to …
Unlock the Power of Meditation: The 5 Meditation Mistakes Most Meditators are Making—and How You Can Move Beyond Them to Access Authentic Spiritual Awakening If you’re on a spiritual path,…
Special Black Friday Offer from Health Secrets! Get their Red Light Therapy Belt at 30% off and other RLT discounts. Jonathan Otto from Health Secrets just wanted to remind you…
Join Adriana Avales for her 7 week online course entitled Cosmic Herbalism: Align Medicinal Plants With the Sacred Energy of Their Governing Planets to Create Powerful Healing Remedies In Adriana's…
Download your Free 'Guide to Resilient Kids' from holistic pediatrician Dr. Joel “Gator” Warsh! Is your child frequently catching colds, feeling run-down, or missing out on the joys of childhood…
David Crow’s 7-week program, Tree Medicine: Create a Home Pharmacy of Potent Healing Oils, Flowers & Barks for Body, Mind & Spirit Wellness, explores powerful tree medicines that can…
Strengthen Attention with LokaYoga's Online Mindfulness Course: The Ultimate Resource for School Teachers and Parents! ✔ Online self-paced training ✔ Empower children with the invaluable skill of paying attention through the practice…