Discover your Quantum Intuition with Kim Chestney, founder of IntuitionLab, on September 12th, and learn how to amplify your psychic abilities.
Do you have a powerful sense of intuition — but aren’t quite ready to fully trust it? Maybe you don’t find it consistent enough.
Or perhaps you’re even a little frightened by your intuition, confused by what it’s trying to tell you, or you sometimes wonder whether it’s even real.
Intuition is a natural part of living in a quantum universe, and supernatural and psychic phenomena are connected to your ultimate human potential, says Kim Chestney, founder of IntuitionLab.
When you open yourself to moving beyond the conditioning of your everyday thinking mind so you can instead tune into the guiding signals of your microcosmic inner realm — home of your intuition — you can expand your personal power and unleash your full potential.
You’re invited to Kim’s special hour-long event with The Shift Network on Thursday, September 12. You’ll begin to feel more confident in your intuitive abilities and understand a bit more of the mysteries of the universe.
Register here for : Discover Quantum Intuition: Learn How to Amplify Your Psychic Abilities & Receive Messages for Insights & Guidance
You’ll do a guided practice to receive a personal quantum message from the universe based on Kim’s interactive insight cards (she’ll screen share them during the event) and lead you in the practice of “sacred seeing.”
Kim will explain how harnessing the power of your intuition teaches you to trust yourself and override your inner critic.
You’ll begin to feel free to co-create a more beautiful, peaceful life with healthier relationships as you feel inspired by new ideas and “Aha!” moments that can transform your life and the world around you.
Even if you can’t join the event on Thursday, September 12, be sure to register so you can receive a full-length recording of the event.
Find out more and Register Now.
To your future!
Paul at ChangeThatMind
Register Here for Quantum Intuition
(Note that ChangeThatMind is an affiliate of ‘The Shift Network’, and thereby receives a payment on any of their products sold through this website)
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